My out of body experiencesteemCreated with Sketch.

in spirituality •  7 years ago  (edited)


As I said in my previous post, I feel like I was re-born at the age of 21 when a sudden out of body experience swept me off my feet! I decided to tell you guys all about so you can make your own assumptions about the reality of this seemingly just physical existence.

It was a casual workday evening and I was sitting up in my comfortable bed reading a book, not expecting anything to happen.


Some music came up that I had never heard before, it was a very slow banging of a drum. I read the same page around five times, unable to take in any information. My mind was suddenly very foggy and I was unable to concentrate. At first I thought someone had drugged me as I was getting drowsier and drowsier... but I knew that was impossible as I was home alone all day. I didn’t know what was happening but I was passing out right then and there. I knew I’m losing consciousness and I couldn’t resist it any longer – my eyes dropped closed and... then it happened. I was gone out of my body that instant.

I was floating in the Universe and I was seeing our beautiful planet Earth, vibrant and colorful in the vast darkness, accompanied by the stars. On top of the planet was standing a dark silhouette. I knew I was looking at myself; that silhouette Suddenly light blue rays of light came out of my (silhouette's head) and started going around the planet, slowly at first. I felt like I’m feeling the essence of every being on the planet. I felt every rock, every tree, every animal, every human... it was a strange feeling. I knew I’ve never felt this before in my singular lifetime and yet, it felt familiar, as if I’ve been asleep to the fact that everything is always connected, whether I’m aware of it or not. It felt so silly that I hadn’t seen this before! Of course it’s all connected! It was so beautiful and breathtaking. How could I feel all of this, at once? The blue light rays started making their way back to my (silhouette's) head and as soon as they entered my head, I felt all the feelings and emotions of our planet and it’s inhabitants with such intensity that I could barely take it.


The blue light rays came out of my head and started going around the planet again, only this time much faster. The speed increased and they came back into my head. It again felt like an explosion of everything that exists, compressed into one feeling, one experience of it all. The rays went out, circled the Earth again and came back, giving me a more intense „shot” of existence. It went on for a while and the rays circled around faster and faster until at one point I suddenly realized that I am a human and my body is back down there on Earth going through this experience too and it might be too much for it to handle. The second I realized this, I went shooting back into my body, my eyes popped open, I grabbed my blankets because it seemed like I may lose balance, my heart was beating like a rabbit’s heart, pumping the blood in my veins at incredible speed. It was as if I had just finished a marathon. I looked around confused, I expected other people to stand around me and wait until I wake up because it seemed like I have been gone forever... but... wait... my table lamp was still on, I was still sitting and... the same song was still playing. How?! It felt like I had been up there for two weeks... or maybe an hour? Time felt confusing to me, it was as if up there it didn’t exist at all.


I grabbed my laptop and looked at the length of the song that was being played. It was almost over and in total.. it was only 3 minutes long.
I could not believe what I had just experienced. There was no way I could explain this to myself. Note that spirituality, out of body, near death experiences and astral projection were concepts completely alien and unheard of to me. I had never even tried conscious meditation apart from having fun with my imagination in my childhood and teenage years.
This experience shook the very core of me, awakened me to the fact that I am not my body – I have a body, that I am something much bigger than I thought I was before, that we are all much more connected than we would like to think and that separation is a complete illusion to a human kind. All was one and one was all. It put me on a road of practicing meditation and studying spiritual concepts, quantum physics, plant medicines and connecting myself, or in other words, allowing the bigger part of me to flow through more easily and guide me on my journey here on Earth. I still don’t know how and why it happened; it is a mystery to me. It felt like the Universe has kicked my butt to awaken to more in my life. And I would like to think that I had asked for this in one way or another.
I’ve come a long way since that very first experience and more beautiful things have been revealed to me. Many doors have opened and through some I have walked gracefully, through others – barely crawling. And there is so much more to go!

If you liked it and would like to read more content like this, please let me know in the comments and I will do my best to fulfill your desire!

Happy traveling out of your bodies my friends! :)

See you in my next blog,
Annija xxx

Photo references:

  1. Photo by Josh Marshall on Unsplash
  2. Photo by João Silas on Unsplash
  3. My own.
  4. Photo by Kevin on Unsplash
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Hello, Annija, and Welcome to Steemit.

I first read your "IntroSelf" post, and that led me to this post. I found this very interesting -- not to mention very well written.

Your experience is fascinating. It's very interesting that you had had no knowledge or experience of OBE or even spirituality.

I loved your phrase "Time felt confusing to me." If we read that in light of the understanding that we are in essence spiritual beings, then, yes, TIME will be confusing for all of us. But in our present incarnation, we slowly get used to time, and by the time we are 4–5 years old, we believe time is normal.

But even Einstein told us that time is NOT normal. Time is one of the aspects of the 4th dimension (space-time), and time is not just a linear progression moving through us, from the past to the future, at a steady rate. Time is flexible, and if we move at the speed of light, times stops.

Maybe, during your OBE, you were travelling close to the speed of light!

Anyway, thanks for your interesting post.

Since you are just starting out, I'll give you the following few basic points of advice re posting on Steemit.

  1. Longer posts are more lucrative than short posts. If you make a post of 20–30 paragraphs, it's more likely to earn rewards.
  2. Include some photos, images or graphs, to complement the text.
  3. Make sure the text and photos are formatted properly, so that your post looks attractive and appealing.

Hope this helps for now. Good luck, and Full Steem Ahead!

p.s. Here's a very interesting post that I read the other day, and on which I wrote a few comments. You might find it interesting....

Thank you for your comment, feedback and suggestions, majes.tytyty!
Checked out that post, evolution is something my husband is currently deeply interested in! :) I'll get him to read it too.
Oh, it definitely felt like I am traveling at the speed of light. Especially when I was shooting back to my body.

Wow, it sounds like it was truly an amazing experience ... travelling at the speed of light.

As for out of body experiences (OBE), I tend to believe that many enlightened beings have a continuous OBE.

If, as they claim and as seems to be the case, if they have transcended the body and even the mind, then they are most likely in the spirit realm – or at least close to it. And if they are true "beings of light," can we not say that they are moving at the speed of light?

This experience only kick started a continuous chain of events and insights and helped me connect to my Higher Self.
What I have received and learned is that we simultaneously are here on Earth AND in the Spirit realm. In fact, we are simultaneously everywhere but it is only our consciousness and beliefs that keep us in a certain limited perspective. And there is nothing non-enlightening to spend this life actually grounding ourselves in our bodies, honoring them and doing all the amazing things that we can with this wonderful instrument. A lot of "enlightened" people teach to try and transcend the mind and body as if it is not Divine already. As if it wasn't our choice to come down here on Earth and have a human experience in the first place. Many of us so desperately try go go back - reach these higher realms, transcend the body. Why? Are we in denial of why we came here in the first place? Some might actually be really done with their mission and lessons over here so they can rejoin with their source consciousness (which, by the way, is always accessible to us) but some are purely misinterpreting spirituality and it's true meaning. Our bodies are divine instruments. We're here for good reasons. Time to ground our spirituality and root ourselves deeper into Mother Earth or also known as Gaia. We have things to do over here.
We are all beings of Light. So... speed of Light is accessible to all of us. Are we ready to tap into that? :)

I have never astral traveled although I have had a whooshing sensation, as I forcibly came back into my human physical consciousness, whilst meditating and think it was something related to what you recall. Since June 2016 I do talk to spirit and now realise that there is so much more to all our existence than we are encouraged to believe. i look forward to learning more about your personal journey and wish you well. i have followed you and invite you to reciprocate. happy journeying xox

Dear Linda,
Thank you for your comment and for sharing your experiences! There sure is SO much more to this world indeed!
I see you are new on Steemit too! Hope we both have great journeys! Followed you too and I look forward to seeing more posts from you!
Blessings xx