Affirmations of the Healer/Heal-ee

in spirituality •  8 years ago  (edited)

These are my personal affirmations only - gathered up and distilled from the many teachings I have studied over the years. Please enjoy them and take what you wish from them and leave the rest. 

1. Just as the soul chooses its parents for evolutionary movements; it chooses the place and time for the fructification of it's karma. Destiny is not chosen by the stars or by circumstance alone, it is determined by the soul in accordance with what is most appropriate for its karma.

a. What is karma? Karma is not easy to explain in of itself - it is easier to explain how karma is made. It is a law of cause and effect, but it is not to be confused with the western idea of "sin". Karma itself is a natural, neutral force which accrues and repeats itself over and over until it is discharged. Reincarnation is interlinked with karma; without karma there would be no cycles, no repeat of history, no living and dying. The way out of the karmic wheel is via Enlightenment which is simply seeing things as they are, not as we want them to be. We have personal, ancestral and cultural karma. All can be discharged by observation.

2. I shall be very selective about what I say and do, about my healing methods and always ask my higher self for guidance as to who is open to healing if I am not sure.

3. I shall be very selective about my judgements and predictions about others and myself. I will consult my higher self for the most loving, advantageous and helpful messages always.

4. I understand that if I do not heed my higher self that I am in danger of losing piety in the healing arts. Thus:

a. I shall not heal for selfish purposes. Cash and kind in recompense is certainly acceptable, but if it is for purely selfish and not self-interested reasons, I will certainly become un-grounded and will require a great amount of self-healing before attempting again.

b. If I am unsure, I will quiet myself and ask my High Self with a genuine desire to know. And the very first answer which bubbles up in my mind I will heed. It is usually correct. 

c. When rationale is brought into the works, I will understand that it is the working of the mind alone, and that I will wait to act until a later time and after I have asked again some time later when I am calmer and have contemplated my rationale.

5. I shall never take advantage of the fact that I am bestowed with the knowledge of the healing arts.

6. I shall never indulge in healing arts without permission from my Higher Self and that of the other being's Higher Self.

7. I shall never scare or bully anyone into believing any science or art of healing.

8. While in the process of healing, I will give no priority to anything other than the healing until it is complete for the seeker.

9. I shall never heal anyone in duress of any kind.

10. I shall keep my own rules and never breech them for anyone's sake; I will never limit myself to the conditions that others may place on me.

11. I shall not give unsolicited advice, nor will I give advice to those with evil intentions. It is wise to feign ignorance in such situations.

12. I shall remember that no one alive can ever predict what is going to happen in the future with absolute certainty, this includes myself. No one but the Creator can know this for sure.

13. I shall ALWAYS listen to my inner voice. I shall foster my connection to it, keep a strong connection with my intuition whenever possible.

14. I will never carry around someone's baggage for too long. Always disconnect from the source of healing and the recipient by placing hands over the navel and giving the command, "I disconnect from the source and from the heal-ee's energies."

15. I shall attempt to be neutral about any thing which enters my being via the senses. This includes what I read, what I see, what I hear, what I smell, what I touch as well as the emotional/psychic problems of myself and others.

16. I am part of Creator but I am NOT THE Creator. I will not get obsessed with the paranormal, even though I may believe in it. I will not become obsessed with thoughts of God or Godliness.

17. I will take all of my experiences into account while attempting to discern. This includes what I feel as well what I do NOT feel. What I feel isn't always what will be helpful, I will look to what I do not feel as well.

18. "I know" is a very dangerous statement.

19.  I shall remember that accusations, blame, betrayal, painful experiences and loss of grounded-ness are all indications the Healer must first do a lot of self healing and analysis before starting / continuing the healing process for another being.

20. I shall never blame anyone who has stood by my side in difficult times, nor will I accuse them of misconduct.

21. I shall always try to accommodate others into my energy system and not vice-versa. I realize that I can be taught great lessons by cross-examinations by those who may not believe and/or see things the way I do. Thus, my knowledge can be sharpened and refined and there will be no repercussions (karma).

22. I shall never carry guilt in anything I do, nor will I succumb to a victim mentality, ever.

23. I shall disconnect amicably from those who do not wish me well or are unable to see/understand the Higher Self in me. I shall not cast blame or be a victim and there will be no repercussions (karma).

24. I shall never engage anyone in debates or arguments unless I feel that they are on my level or higher. If they are, in my opinion, more evolved than I am, I shall allow them to speak even if they are against my own teachings. Finally, I shall not give importance to anyone out to test me.

25. I shall always have an attitude of gratitude. Healing is an energy exchange which must be not taken for granted, so in that sense I understand that if I am to take cash or any other thing of value in exchange for healing, it should be valuable. Perhaps three day's worth of income, depending on the heal-ee's need. I shall determine this attitude of exchange on a case-by-case basis and always by the guidance of my higher self. I shall not be selfish, but self-interested.

26. I will not believe anything or anyone until I have examined all the possibilities. I will remain neutral in such situations and yet loving.

27. I shall love myself so that I never have to pretend to love another being. I shall never be deceptive in the act of love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe and as such must be handled with care and respect.


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  1. I shall never engage anyone in debates or arguments unless I feel that they are on my level or higher. If they are, in my opinion, more evolved than I am, I shall allow them to speak even if they are against my own teachings. Finally, I shall not give importance to anyone out to test me.

Is this still true when we are attempting to teach someone a new lesson? At my most ignorant points I am sometimes stubborn and need someone to go back and forth with me in order for the lesson to sink in.

It depends on the person, and honestly your own guidance/intuition.

You and I have talked about this before - I consider you "worthy" of debate since you're not out to fight, even if sometimes stubborn lol

"13. I shall ALWAYS listen to my inner voice. I shall foster my connection to it, keep a strong connection with my intuition whenever possible."

That is so important! So many healers of every kind get caught up in their power and get swelled heads and lose the whole reason they are healers in the first place.

Yes, the "Guru Syndrome".

I had my reservations about posting these affirmations for that very reason! I didn't want the temptation. But I figured that I would go ahead, that I trust myself to not get crazy about it, since I read these affirmations every day. :)