Adam & Eve: Legit or Skit?

in spirituality •  6 years ago 

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So many people pick some side to be on,

they choose a group and stick with the ideologies of that group through thick and thin, even if an idea sounds a bit rough, most people just keep on trucking along with that crowd. A good example of that can be found in politics such as with republicans and democrats. How can people really perfectly fit in those two categories? I don’t personally believe in border laws, since I view the whole earth as God’s and he put great emphasis on warmly assisting traveling strangers and reminded Israel that they too were foreign residence at one time.

On the other hand,

if a law is in place it should be enforced and not ignored, so if you dislike a law, honor the law, but petition for its legal revision. I cannot condone disrespect for a president when he enforces the active law, such as by treating illegal immigration as a crime. But that’s not the main point, the key point here is that I often find several ways of thinking rationally from more than one point of view.

Intellectual honesty is much more important to me than being loyal to a movement or a group.

The Bible points out that spiritual goodness is first pure, and afterwards is peaceable. Without intellectual honesty, you can’t really ever know whether you’re currently acting as a force for good or bad. In fact, as Paul mentioned in his letter to the Romans, it is our obligation to be intellectually honest, as we make an effort to “perceive the will of God” constantly.

So let’s try to be intellectually honest about Adam and Eve.

What are we suppose to learn from the whole snake, fruit, knowledge of good and bad thing? Well, first off, we have to ask one more question: Were they real? For the most part, the argument that they were not real is heavily based on an argument of incredulity. In fact, much of the disrespect shown for the Bible today at the academic level is based off of this thinking.

What is an argument of incredulity?

It means that because something doesn’t seem possible, that it couldn’t be. This is just not true, the pro-materialism community knows arguments of incredulity are illegitimate and state it in opposition to theists all the time, yet they do it a lot themselves. Adam and Eve as well as the whole Bible is not respected as the excellent source for archaeological history due to this argument of incredulity. The book has miracles, and because there were miracles recorded with the other details, the other details get rejected. It all just couldn’t possibly have happened, so they conclude.

Often times what divides one group of Christians from another is the debate of what should or shouldn’t be deemed symbolic.

Certain groups take one scripture literally, another symbolic and another group takes the exact opposite position on both of those scriptures. A perfect example of this is related to the Trinity, if you think Jesus saying the father and him are “one” to be literal, well then you think he is God, but if you take it to just mean “united” then you don’t. Clearly, what you take literally and what you deem figurative has incredible transformative powers on your belief system.

From a Christian standpoint,

and by Christian I count anyone that believes Christ and the Bible have supernatural value and origin, it really is unthinkable to consider Adam and Eve merely a parable. In fact, to do so is essentially to disregard the Bible entirely. The Bible clearly lays out the genealogy from Adam and Eve all the way down to Jesus. The biblical record is not remotely shy or hazy with regard to details on ancestry. On the contrary, the Bible blatantly prizes ancestral recording so much so that certain books are an outright painful read of who fathered who.

In several situations the Bible bothers to go into great detail describing dimensions, weights and materials used, which serves the purpose of letting us know we shouldn’t conclude it was symbolic. So, it is only rational to conclude that if someone declares that Adam and Eve is a parable and not reality, they are either one of three things: 1. Not Christian, 2. Sell-out Christian, 3. Irrational Christian.

If we’re Christian, let’s be rational Christians. An intellectually honest Christian has to take the stance that it happened.

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