The flower of life - what is it and why is it important? (Lessons on Lesson on Lessons)

in spirituality •  9 years ago 

It is said that all of existence was birthed from this sacred geometrical pattern...That in the "early days" of spirit there was only spirit and void...and that eventually spirit realized that it was, and became aware, thus creating a perfect circle. It then moved to one edge of the circle, creating another circle and the vesica piscis.
Spirit preceded to enact this movement exactly 6 times, and on the seventh day, It created the egg of life (or seed of love), and rested.

Does this look familiar? That's because it's also what an atom looks like....

Spirit expanded until it created the complete flower of life, through which all of existence manifested itself.

I agree: bold statement.

Within the flower of life, we find many depictions, such as Metatrons cube, which itself depicts the five Platonic Solids, these platonic solids are geometrical forms which are said to act as a template from which all life springs.

These are the five platonic solids, which are also known to symbolize the five elements, including ether.

If you look hard enough, you can find all of the platonic solids in Metatrons cube

The tree of life can also be found within the flower of life

It is believed to be intertwined with the kundlini energy and is taught in Kabbalah

Kundalini is the life force of your chakras which move up and down your spine; to align every chakra is know as a "kundalini awakening"

This is a depiction of a Kundalini awakening

Much more is known about the flower of life, as it has been seen carved into stone centuries and thousands of years old.

Here are some other shapes that come out of the flower of life

It is known...

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Thanks for the Flag :)

Your welcome sir :)

Don't take it personal... I have extremely unstable emotions and when I get angry I destroy things around me.
Like yesterday this old woman almost hit me with her car and I started kicking it.
I just flagged some posts maybe because I was pissed...but not at you. Actually I like your motivational articles.

I just posted a 3-hours documentary talking about this stuff appearing in urban planning on cities all over the world, really interesting. Soundwave frequencies also seem to create these patterns. Decode reality!


I'll be sure to check it out!
Have you seen this one @feelingshred ?