The Importance of maintaining a rebellious spirit in a morally infringing society

in spirituality •  8 years ago  (edited)


It is common knowledge that we live in a world that maintains both order and control through societal regulations such as various restrictions and laws.

These laws are often supported by a threat such as imprisonment, or even death.

And although the basic assumption is that these laws are for the common good of the populace, because they "prevent"things like murder, arson and theft, and that we should all follow them, the reality is that laws and regulations restrict our freedom as human beings.

If we follow these laws, they can restrict our movement in many ways.

If we don't follow them, then we have to accept the consequences.

For example, a journalist who does not coincide with the interests of his powerful government to cover up the truth, will eventually - if he continues to publish controversial material - have his movement somehow restricted by his government and he may even become a political prisoner.

I think perhaps the biggest problem with modern law is that it changes and expands constantly based on what faction is in power.

And what is unethical and insane about this is that a completely flawed system may be perpetually maintained simply because it benefits those who are in power and those who maintain it.

So what does this have to do with rebellion?

I'm glad you asked.

The basic understanding that I've come to within this context is that creation - as well as innovation - is 100% spontaneous.

The conclusion to this understanding is that if creation is spontaneous, it must sometimes over exceed the boundaries that are in its way - such as law.

An example of this would be the emergence of bitcoin and other block-chain technologies.


In a sense, Bitcoin over exceeds the boundaries of law.

It is an enemy of the banks, and the state.

It is the enemy of those who would like to maintain and control our current broken monetary system.

And If bitcoin had a head, it would most likely be shot off.

it is a perfect example that in order for innovation and societal advancement to take place, creation has to over-ride authority.

In my personal opinion and knowing, I believe that creation is a by product of love.

And in that sense, there has to be absolute freedom in order for love to thrive and the flower of creation to bloom.

The last thing that needs to be said is this: Rules do not always align with moral obligations - and when they don't, rules need to be deliberately broken.

They need to be broken because in a society where laws are in a constant flux depending on the agendas of those who create them, the thing that doesn't change is our perception of right and wrong.

"If it is an immoral rule, It's immoral to obey it."

I personally thank you for following and reading this article.

I write because I enjoy creating new perspectives and challenging the status quo.

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I agree with your bitcoin assessment. If bitcoin becomes mainstream then the faith in the banking system would no longer exist. Great post!!

Thank you :)