The Effects Of A Coming Jubilee To You. Are You Aware?

in spirituality •  8 years ago  (edited)

Jubilee - its meaning and significance with our time

You might have read and heard some things abot Jubilee. What is it exactly and why would it hold any significance in your own life?

The real Jubilee is one of the COMMANDMENTS of the real GOD.

Blowing of horn (shofar)

The treaties can be found in the Book of Leviticus chapter 25.

To summarize the whole concept of Jubilee; It requires Israel to observe SABBATICAL YEARS, a year in which the LAND, the physical land of Israel is to be given rest from the usual farming activities, that there will be no plowing, planting and harvesting done on it, EVERY SEVENTH YEAR (shmita).

On the seventh seventh year, which will be the 49th year from the beginning of the observance of these Sabbatical years, will signal that the succeeding year the 50th year, which is also the beginning of the new set of seven years, will be the JUBILEE (in Hebrew יובל yūḇāl, yovel in Septuagint) year. Which literally means "A trumpet blast of liberty" (referring to the horn blowing command for the announcement of the year that should be heard by Israel)

God further commands that on that 50th year(The Jubilee). All Israelite that became slaves due to financial hardships will be set free. All financial loans be forfeited(forgiven as to not require payment from a debtor), lands that were sold will be returned to the sellers. All in sanctification of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Israel that EVERYTHING BELONGS TO GOD and that the nation has the obligation to set his fellow countrymen FREE.

Jubilee and all other festivals that God commanded Israel to keep, serve the purpose of keeping the God-obedient-ones to stay attentive and be aware of the TIMES. Indeed, a nation that will observe the festivities will never be able to forget the days, week, months, years, centuries and millineums that will pass, because if they do, they will fail to celebrate the festivities that God has commanded them.

IF Jubilee is meant to be a sign of FREEDOM from many things and it is MEANT ONLY FOR ISRAEL. Why are so many people being alarmed in its coming??

To FULLY understand the significance of Jubilee and it's implications, a person would need to be OBEDIENT to God's LAWS. It is also the ONLY means to be SAVED from it's negative effects.

Negative effects?

Yes, there are negative effects to those who are NOT obeying God's Laws. WHICH MEANS THAT JUBILEES AND ALL OTHER FESTIVALS are not observed too, because those festivals, like the Jubilee is A PART AND PARCEL of God's commands

To illustrate the situation, let me recount what happened when Israel was created by God. He made them a COVENANT and Israel agreed to abide by them (THE LAWS). Then, when Israel was ready, God made them OCCUPY an AREA WHICH WAS NOT THEIRS originally. That is the land of CANAAN. Simply put the people of Canaan does not know NOR CARE about God or HIS LAWS. (For several reasons)

Israel was used by God to ANNIHILATE everyone from Canaan. There are no one deemed "innocent" or "neutral", EVERYONE is killed. To put the reason in the simplest term, it is because THEY ARE NOT ON GOD's SIDE. ( I will not details the whys and hows of that here). Suffice it to say that, the wiping out of Canaan residents is a vivid example of how God treats those who are not HIS PEOPLE.

Let us go back to the PRESENT time. In our time, obedient-people-of-God, parts-of-Israel are not living in the physical Israel anymore. Instead they are dispersed far and wide on the face of the Earth. It means that Jubilee, to effect it's freedom as God wanted it to, will have to be done WORLDWIDE.


Hmmm this needs a very deep appreciation of God and His timeline. If you are really interested to know, I will try to explain it as SIMPLE as I can below.

In the time of CREATION. There is a portion that declared, "and GOD RESTED". It is the first celebration of Sabbath.

3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. - Genesis 2:3 (Sabbath observance is the THIRD COMMANDMENT of God.)

Many people are misinformed about the LENGHT OF TIME the CREATION PERIOD took. They think that every "DAY" of creation is a literal 24 hours like how we have in a day. This only happens when a person does not really study the scriptures but rather, is a casual reader only. Because within it, the "DAY" of God is alluded and somehow explained...

A thousand years to you are like one day; they are like yesterday, already gone, like a short hour in the night. - Psalm 90:4

It means that if A THOUSAND years to God is only a short hour in the night...a whole DAY of God is longer than ONE THOUSAND years. How long then is a creation day? If we consider that God, after being declared as "RESTING" on the Sabbath day is still NOT BEGINNING to work again, means that THAT SABBATH DAY of rest has not finished UNTIL TODAY. With more than 6000 years past.

I have said that Israel wil not FORGET the dates, it should mean they KNOW exactly what year we are with reference to their commencing of FESTIVAL celebrations, see a Hebrew calendar. This year is known as YEAR 5776. Meaning 5776 since they kept track of YEARS. Reinforcing the knowledge that, we are living on a 7000 years SABBATH-DAY-of-God, a DAY God rested.

Okay...It would mean that every creation DAY is 7000 years too! Which will give us 49,000 YEARS for a WHOLE WEEK of God. Which would mean that His next WORKING DAY, will be the JUBILEE OF 1000 YEARS.

Do you recall how many years will CHRIST reign as God's KING on Earth? RIGHT! A THOUSAND year. Christ reign is a JUBILEE for EARTH, a period which the Earth's inhabitants, (which incidentally are people who are GOD's LAW
OBEDIENT people too
) will be SET FREE from all DEBTS from God.

The Earth's inhabitants will be set free from being slaves of demons, death, sickness, suffering, violence, tears, lies. The Earth will be taken back from demons that rule it these days and be given back to those who will inherit it.

4 He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared.” -Revelations 21:4

Therefore, A COMING JUBILEE will be wiping clean the Earth of everything that does not BELONG TO GOD. Which will mean the destruction of many evil, ANGELS and HUMANS alike, along with their current EVIL SYSTEMS(commerce, politics and religions). This is the reason why, it is a very SIGNIFICANT episode that will affect not only those WHO CARE or BELIEVE, but everyone.

It will usher the 1000 Year reign of Christ.

That Jubilee will be a glorious freedom from everything that causes the people pain. May you ENJOY that JUBILEE instead of SUFFER from it. And it is possible that this coming Jubilee, IS THAT JUBILEE.

#Jubilee, #Sabbath, #God, #Shemitah

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In learning about the TRUE GOD and doing his WILL, You will earn not only material things but LIFE.


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wow.. thx for sharing!