What Is The Real Man?

in spirituality •  8 years ago  (edited)

Excuse me if you clicked this and was expecting for a "Macho" "Masculine" discussion.

I mean to ask: What really is the MAN as purposed by his creation?

Here is the answer:

26 Then God said, "And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small." - Genesis 1:26 GNT

Contained in the short verse above is the full essence of MAN's reason for being created and his characteristics. The perfect man should be perfectly "similar to God". The perfect man will dominate all other animals and will be obeyed by them.

Now that is too much. As much as we are not able to fathom the depths of God's true nature, we therefore cannot really FULLY APPRECIATE how to be similar to Him.

All we can do is to refer to WHAT was revealed thru God's written messages. From that, we have to derive partially, how good it is to be similar to the person.

There are FOUR basic characteristics of God.

  1. Power - as represented by the BULL face of the closest Angels to God's Throne (Ezekiel 1:10, Revelations 19:4)
  2. Wisdom -represented by the EAGLE face
  3. Justice - represented by the LION face
  4. Love - represented by HUMAN face

With the above, we can understand that HUMAN is endowed too with those aforementioned characteristics, albeit, lower of several degrees.

It also clearly mean that we are POSITIVE by nature. Powerful, wise, just and loving.

Also, Christ was sent to Earth as an EXAMPLE of a PERFECT man.
Which futher defines forr us WHAT IS THE REAL PERFECT MAN, sans the problems brought about by DISOBEDIENCE or what we commonly refer to as SIN.

Christ as a perfect MAN would mean that IF WE attain PERFECTION, we the HUMANS among us, WILL BE LIKE WHAT CHRIST WAS. Perfect, powerful.

Wait. Does that mean we will have some kind of SUPERPOWERS, if we attain perfection? Like, you know... turning water into wine...walking on waters..etc.??

I would say yes. A perfect man will have the prospect of NEVER growing old (bodily), not dying(infinite life), being able to wield powerful words and many other capabilities, which CHRIST himself, showed he possesed. Remember that Christ was able to do THOSE THINGS because HE WAS A PERFECT MAN. And was eligible too as the sacrificial PASSOVER LAMB.

That was the GOOD NEWS! It is. Somehow the Gospel was lost on the translations and mis-interpretations of so many men of good-intentions, that never really knew the whole truth.

It is indeed a very good promise given to all covenant keeper, the obedient part of HUMANITY.

Does it make you wonder, why the present society is behaving so FAR away from this natural traits endowed by God Himself??

Why are people seem to be bent in cheating other people? Why are so many people are WILLING to take advantage of other people even to the point of their death?(An example) Why are so many are willing to wage wars against otherr people? Something is not right.

Yes, those anomalies in HUMAN characters are brought about by several causes:

One, disobedience. It is the single act that pulled the plug of our direct connection from God. The primary source of all things we deem "positive and good"

Two, Evil angels and their seeds. I hope you already noticed that while Adam was reporrted to have a single sexual act with Eve, Eve eventually gave birth to TWO sons.

1 Then Adam had intercourse with his wife, and she became pregnant. She bore a son and said, "By the Lord's help I have gotten a son." So she named him Cain.
2 Later she gave birth to another son, Abel. Abel became a shepherd, but Cain was a farmer. -Genesis 4:1-2

One of them is from Adam, the other, from the evil angel who "tricked" her into eating the "fruit". A pregnancy termed as "superfecundation" A pregnancy termed as "superfecundation"

Three, slow creep of worsening IMPERFECTION. The longer and the farther we are from Adam, the the other PERFECT man, the more imperfect we become.

Four, our own will. No not FREE WILL (It never existed), rather our will based on our personality and knowledge. That most of the time are based on MISINFORMATION.

There is hope though. God has already prepared the way back to perfection RIGHT on the moment the first disobedience happened. As proclaimed in Genesis 3:15, God's chosen seed will crush the seed of the evil ones and all those other things that were brought about by that INITIAL disobedience.

Once again, the perfect powerful MAN will exist, without WARS, FAMINE, DISEASES and DEATH. It's worth it to WORK for and exert our efforts to be included among the chosen ones that will inherit that kind of Earth system. -east

#perfectMan, #humanity, #peace, #goodNews

  1. Who are the only TWO men who were PERFECT?
  2. Why was perfection lost?
  3. How will perfection return?
  4. What are the seeds mentioned in Genesis 3:15?
  5. What is superfecundation?
  6. What is the "good news"?

If you know all the answers fo the above questions, you have a great sense of comprehension! Congratulations!


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The Importance Of Obedience

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easteagle13 is a "messenger" to assist people that are willing to enjoy the best of life has to offer. Be it material riches, spiritual truths or even Life. He knows the "real state of things", although they may be hidden behind veils of deceits. Therefore he does not really care about the PRESENT SYSTEM OF THINGS (governments, commerce, religions and evil people), knowing they are bound to be replaced by the best ones in God's due time soon.

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