Winning The Invisible War and Making Victory Happen - Enjoy With Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

in spirituality •  5 years ago  (edited)

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

Have you ever noticed that if you conform and shut up you can have a pretty good life. You may enjoy a great job, have a beautiful wife and smart kids. You may even be in the club of the social elite, sipping on the finer things in life. Perhaps you may be a deacon of a church or a well educated professional in a comfortable life. Yet are you really awake and living.

Something is not right

When a person truly awakens from the apathetic self centered stupor (if they are not comatose already), they realize something is not right with this world. What do we have camps of homeless in Los Angles and Seattle? Why do we have the pedophilia rings including Jeffery Epstein and the brainwashed youth destroying our country with hatred and socialism? Or child theft and trafficking by the CPS? Or the big brother surveillance of innocent Americans compliments of our government? The list goes on and on.

We fight against that which we cannot see. Indeed we fight an information war. But how can we fight an enemy who lives in darkness? It is most clever and reigns in our schools, our governments, our churches ...and our hearts. How can we win?


The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5

We must have light in our hearts to win this war. And the light must be the true light from God. There is no other way we will overcome the darkness of this world. Have you ever noticed how when you turn on a flashlight darkness leaves and so too the roaches that were hanging out before. They scamper away. God's light works the same. Evil and filth fleas when we shine the light of God.

The choice is ours.

You know it would be so much easier to just love one another and let God sort it all out in the end. But the dark forces do not want to love. They only wish to lie and deceive.They want to have control of your life and soul and will afford you the many comforts of this world to do it. So it is up to us to decide if we want the temporary pleasures of this world and be manipulated by darkness or have true victory in this spiritual war by standing with God's army. Since we already know who wins the war, it would be senseless to side with the devil...yet too many do.

In God there is victory. The middle letter is t as in the shape of a cross. Yes the cross...Christ brought us the victory.

There are many on this platform who are truth tellers and freedom fighters. Folks like @richq11 and @squirrelbait and many more blog for the good people @informationwar or @christian-trail. I do too. But know that this war goes far beyond fighting the media propaganda that saturates our lives. It is spiritual and with forces we cannot see but we can overcome. We must continually pray and stay steadfast to the fight and keep out hearts and minds on God. Only then can we overcome the evils of this world as He leads us to victory!

And for that I am grateful!

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