Some Spiritual News

in spirituality •  7 years ago 

There are a lot of Starseeds on Earth. A Starseed is a 3rd/4th density soul from another planet/group that has incarnated on Earth in Humanity and of course has a Human body. Almost all (over 99%) Starseeds are here to make ascension, to take advantage of the ascension window that opens on Earth around 2021, when the Age of Pisces ends and the Age of Aquarius starts. Many Starseeds have natural abilities to help Humanity with spirituality. Many Starseeds are visited by people from their planet. It is very hard for these souls to make ascension out of cycle on their planets, so rather than wait 1,000s of Earth years for the ascension window to open on their planets, these souls cut a deal with God to come to Earth and incarnate in a Human body and take advantage of the ascension window opening on Earth around 2021 and make ascension. As part of the deal they must use their natural abilities to help Humanity with spirituality. They get to pick a life, where they are unlikely to die early or be in wars and be in position to help Humanity with spirituality.

Also around 2021 or before our solar system will kind of make ascension. Right now our solar system is in the 1st realm, 3rd density, the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is a component of consciousness. Our solar system will be moving to the 2nd realm, 4th density, the 5th dimension. The 5th dimension is a component of time. We will still have the same amount of time, days, hours, minutes, seconds etc. and keep appointments, but time will be experienced much differently, that is all I know. If you are a little familiar with my work, you know that there are 18 main lines of DNA, that account for all living things. Six of these lines have souls and twelve of these lines have what I call low souls. Low souls do not have empathy for others and are prone to evil or service to self, otherwise souls and low souls are very similar. This mostly matters when the low soul lines become people (self aware intelligent beings) as in Reptilians, Insect-people and Spider-people.

In the 2nd realm or 4th density, which can be 5th through 10th dimensions, 5th dimension for our solar system, only the 1/3rd of the DNA lines are used, the ones that have souls. So there will be a lot less evil or service to self. The only Plants that can live in 4th density are Trees, Flowers and Vegetables. The only Animals that can live in the 4th density are Mammals (us), Birds and an unnamed animal group, that currently isn’t living on Earth. This unnamed animal group can be tiny to large and live in the water or land and when we get in the 4th density it will spring up and populate our oceans, lakes and rivers (and some on land), to replace the fish and other sea creatures that will be gone. This way whales, dolphins, seals, Penguins etc. will have something to eat and these animals will eat the flowers and vegetables that will now grow in the lakes and oceans. The plant eating land animals, will eat the existing and new varieties of Flowers, Vegetables and trees or the fruits, nuts and berries, the Trees produce. Low soul people get to the 4th density by making ascension, but they will be in a special dimension and we won’t have contact with them. In the 4th and all higher densities, matter and life are expressed differently in each one. When we move to the 4th density in a blink of an eye, our bodies will be expressed differently and some of the medical problems will be fixed. All Machines like PCs and autos will become junk, even the lock on your front door will no longer work as matter will be expressed differently.

One more thing I want to mention is Storms, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Wild Fires and Tsunamis are increasing at an alarming rate, because the Brown Dwarf Star (BDS) is coming into the inner part of our solar system. You need to be prepared, store at least 90 days worth of food, Water, Supplies and Fuel for you vehicle especially if you live near the coast. You might want to leave in a hurry to save your life at some point in time and if you are low on gas and the power is shut off, you will be SOL (S%#! Out of Luck). The deep state or evil government wants as many people to die as possible, so they will be likely crashing the economy, most will be out of work, with prices going through the roof and a bank holiday is the worst case scenario. Maybe it won’t be this bad, but it could be real bad, so you need to have what you need and extra to help others, who refused to prepare.

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