You are what you are looking for...

in spirituality •  6 years ago 

STOP living a small life!

The false teaching of externality hinders our ability to evolve. A belief in separation is exactly the barrier we are trying to overcome. We are looking for the answer outside of ourselves, the exact place it can never exist!


Don't accept the false framework of us vs. them or it vs. me. It is all you! You are the universe becoming aware of itself.

Look at every person, every living thing, every inch of space in the world as a reflection of you, existing as nothing more than images, sensory signals, and emotions within your own self.

Everything you see is nothing more than a thin range of electromagnetic waves interpreted by your eyes and processed in your brain. Everything you hear is simply a small range of the vibrational waves which exist around you at all times. Everything you ever feel occurs merely on the surface of your skin or inside your body, not outside of you!

We are the universe on a path to self-discovery, gaining knowledge of what exactly we are. We are all on this path together, individual nodes of consciousness, slowly gaining the understanding that we inseparably connected in every way.

Enjoy your existence; bask in the celebration and excitement of the journey!

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