Every time an organization is founded with a group and an ideal, an energetic awareness is created for this autonomous identity.
This energetic awareness is called "Egregore" in Chaos Magick. You could also think of Egregores as COLLECTIVE AWARENESS programmed by the INTENT and FOCUS of the group.
Egregores can be associated with various kinds of organizations, including religious or spiritual groups, political parties, and businesses.
So how exactly do these things impact society? Good question! Egregores play a role in shaping collective beliefs, values, and behaviors. For example, an egregore associated with a particular brand or organization may influence the way that people think about and interact with that brand or organization. Similarly, an egregore associated with a political party or movement may shape the way that people think about and engage with political issues.
Building your self awareness mitigates the negative effects egregores have on our collective consciousness.
Everyone needs a little bit of mindfulness once in a while, y'know? Awareness is paramount.