
in spirituality •  6 years ago  (edited)


בְּרֵאשִׁית‬ אלהים

"in the beginning Elohim (the Gods)"

One of the most over looked and secrets of scripture is what is written above. Elohim. Today, most equate this name for God. Yet, truly it means more than one hence the pluralism "im".

What this means, is that Jehovah Creator is androngynous in essence. Having both masculine and feminine characteristics. This has been hidden away by a name, then cycled through various translations to end up with God.

This is important because this androngynous creator "Elohim" has its energy imprinted upon human beings. The goal of human beings is to become co-creators with Elohim. To live in a perfect balance with creation. Seeing two facets of the same source.

Hidden reflection

Every man, woman and child has this hidden reflection of Jehovah Elohim within themselves. Today, this is a introduction text we will not divest all the symbolism involved. Rather, presentment of facts, so that the reader may come to terms with what is written here.

"Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

The hidden reflection is a life force energy. Its also symbolized as a Mother and Father; in reference to the energy of the androgynous Creator. There are different names for this energy, but for simplicity lets call it Kundalini.


Kundalini is a sanskrit word for life force (energy) and is really the reflection of mother and father, as its androngynous energy. Thanks to science, we know this "life force" exists as a bioelectrical force.

Kundalini can be "activated" through years of ritualistic meditation; through an extreme personal trauma; or by proper techniques taught by a master.

And thus it is what Jesus is referring to; "whom ever does not love his father and mother"... if you do not know or love these two life forces, you cannot come to know him as a disicple.

"Jesus said, Whoever does not hate his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to me. And whoever does not love his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to me. For my mother [...], but my true mother gave me life."

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."
Luke 14:26 kjv

In the Tanakh, Bible; this is demonstrated when the nation of Israel was following Moses. The people kept succumbing to the bites of venomous snakes; so Elohim instructed how to create a staff. This staff had twin serpents that ran to the top, as those who where bitten looked upon the staff where healed. By their own life force energy.

The goal to illumination is to bring this life force energy from the base of our spine to the 33rd plate(disc). In Hebrew kabbalah its called keter "crown." It is true that there are 33 discs, 33 degrees to masonic masonry. (Masonic, has perverted these teachings omitting the truth).



We will not be perverting the truth. Please understand that this message is encoded in all religions. All religions, share seven sacred principles. Yet, this is where we will leave off for today.

I am disabling payouts as this text contains sacred names and words that are not my own. If you wish you can donate. Donations will be used to continue works and help support other ministries.

Join me next time, as we will unveil more and venture down this narrow path together.

"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:14

sources derived from Tanakh, Zohar, KJV Bible, Book of Thomas

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Interesting.. There definitely is a Patriarchal feel to all the modern religions... If you would check out this post i made about Cannabis history, the Great King Solomon had this balance you speak of so eloquently..


In fact in Ancient times it seems everyone knew of this balance between the Father and Mother Deities.. This i believe is why the establishment has attempted to deter Cannabis use; the parts consumed i always female, can only be female..

It was pushed out of rituals, seemingly purged from the dogma, a strategic move on the part of Empire, since the Patriarchal Uni-god exemplifies the Demand for Law and Order, unquestioning Obedience, and Discipline. Following.

#clonekingsolomon #solomon4president

Cannabis was a tool to help student concentrate. Concentrate the energy in their mind.

Egyptians used to take magic mushrooms and lay in pool to deprive senses. All tools have a purpose, depends on the builder. Will give your link a read momentarily.

No need for cloning. :D

I am disabling payouts as this text contains sacred names and words that are not my own. If you wish you can donate. Donations will be used to continue works and help support other ministries.

I would like to donate through the use of upvote, so hoping as you continue with the series you will reopen that option.

Back when I used to discuss/debate religions with others who were followers, this was always one that they never could explain, the plural nephilim. I also tied in the commandment to not have other gods, which implies others who could be considered gods exist(ed).

Looking forward to the 7 sacred principles.

Edited to add: I upvoted one of your comments on another thread as support for this post.

Good points. First, thought that since this is the base it will be of no payout. Im not going to include sacred names going forward. Instead, suitable abbreviations will be used.

Second, Nephilim. Understand, we may touch on this but indirectly. The reader will have the chance to explore different facets to the extent of their own curiousity.

Thanks for your feedback and comments.

I also tied in the commandment to not have other gods, which implies others who could be considered gods exist(ed).

When a man ascends to keter, what does he become? A god. Ascended being. Traversely, one would do well to note, not to put certain individuals of a certain sign before Creator.

Interesting read. I look forward to the others.