Seperating myth and fact

in spirituality •  6 years ago  (edited)

We have all heard the term reptilian or lizard people. While laughable, this will be today's subject matter.

"Be wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove" Jesus Christ - Book of Timothy

Symbolism of the serpent

There is a recurring symbolism within religious texts of any kind. Has anyone ever noticed? We can clearly examine the creation story, the serpent of Adam and Eve. Which is also allegorically symbolic of "ancient wisdom" and also the essence of the great harlot.

Serpent was also the test of Aaron and magicians. Aaron being ascended in mind and spirit, (which is depicted in hyroglyph of donning a serpent band around the head).. threw down his staff and it became a serpent. Pharoah magician did the same.

We can fast forward to the travels in the desert, where serpents would attack the heels of the people and taste dust while the people indulged in manna which tasted like whatever they imagined.



The serpent represents sideways "8" which is infinite. This naturally occurs in humans right around the waste in our tissue.

The symbolism of the serpent is not evil at all, where it so why then would Jesus tell us, be wise as a serpent? The symbolism is ancient knowledge, or tapping into the source of all. In the stories we can see the force behind the serpent. We can also consider, how the people conducted themselves regarding sex. (Compare people of Noah time with people of the desert. Compare people at the time of Christ with people of today). Same stumbling block.


Serpent wisdom has much to do about ritualistic sex. It can only be engaged with your (wife,husband). These individuals where one's whom practiced such and actually elevated their inner self. As a sign of their ascension (equally descending), they are given the symbolism of the serpent. Serpent people, ascended beings. These people became known as danavas.

Today, we hear about these tales of reptilian entities posing as human. This might be true in essence, but not in the ways depicted. There are people whom know what is being conveyed here as true, but seek to bend and pervert it like their own power. (Child sex rings, human trafficking, etc) all disgusting and maligned with what is taught to us.

"Be wise as serpents"

We see many, if not too many paths that would steer us away from ritualistic sex (the giving of joy/stumbling block). Today, with rampant pornography and hedonistic societial norms it is almost enough to inhibit laws of nature from taking its course.

Be wise on what you do with your reproductive organs. Be wise on how theyre used. Ritualistic sex, has to do with denying yourself pleasure.

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." Luke 16

By denying pleasure in the most intimate moment between two (seperate but united) individuals. This is what is meant by serpent wisdom, the first step into ascending the ladder (see allegory of Jacobs ladder).

In Dante's Divine Comedy he enters the nineth ring (sephirot) where many have frozen tears in their eyes, others have waters risen to cover their reproductive organs.

"And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel."

Using whole numbers (1+4+4 =9), 9 = Yesod( י) in the tree of life, "splendor." "Abstract joy." (Again refer to allegory of Jacob's ladder). Also, retold in Dante's journey as all the members of the 9th circle (layer) are those whom perverted their organs.


Consider the reproductive organs of male and female together.... believe it or not there is a natural formation that occurs.

Perhaps this not the article that one expected. But it is true, see the hidden meanings are quite simple, achievable by everyone.

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