New Age Bullshit Part 1 - Self Proclaimed "Lightworkers"

in spirituality •  7 years ago 

Be careful with individuals continually gushing talk about affection and light. They are concealing something, or even better, escaping something.

"There is no coming to awareness without torment. Individuals will do anything, regardless of how crazy, keeping in mind the end goal to abstain from confronting their own particular Soul. One doesn't end up plainly illuminated by envisioning figures of light, however by making the obscurity cognizant."

~Carl Gustav Jung

Like a man with a shirt that says "swag" or "savage", these sorts are normally adjusting for something. Light and love is something more probable that they are striving for, seeking after, in light of the fact that its all the more frequently the individuals who are inadequate with regards to who put such a great amount of accentuation on those things.


What great is being in the light, discussing light? What great is light on the off chance that it isn't going into the dim spots, having the bravery to manage the exasperating facts of our human condition? Genuine "lightworkers" demonstrate individuals whats oblivious, the things that have been conflicting with them, and mankind unbeknownst.

I dont speak much about light and love since thou workmanship that.

I discuss the things that individuals keep covered up. Nothing of significant worth is found in the light. Fortunes are found oblivious. Truly the vast majority loathe genuine light laborers since they uncover their bologna. The light consumes them, their talk ends up plainly exhaust motto uncovering a circle yanking blow out of the dreadful, the individuals who just stay in the sufficiently bright corners.

They call themselves lightworkers, yet are effortlessly outraged, and decline to manage the "antagonism" on the planet, just encircle themselves with the individuals who get tied up with the religion of energy. They are new age deluded.


Lightwork isnt discussing adoration and blossoms, doing yoga, and going veggie lover; its about going into the obscurity of the world and a large portion of all, yourself, so on the off chance that you are via web-based networking media gushing this talk constantly, however just have safe discussions, just think about being loved, and just encompassed by grins, you have next to zero light.

I compose this not to hurt those individuals, or for a sense of self lift, however to tell others, the ones that take after the diminish, due to their appearances and talk. The individuals who make a special effort to just show themselves in a "light way" are not simply the ones to take after on the off chance that you are looking for light in your life. Light comes when you take every necessary step of transmuting that dimness inside yourself to start with, understanding and grappling with it.

No measure of hipster music, new age horse crap images or consuming man celebrations will do that. You need to have a few balls, go into the obscurity, and manage yourself first.


"To start a supernatural voyage, you need to begin with a feeling of ponder, of not knowing where you are going or how you will travel. The underlying period of speculative chemistry is known as the nigredo-it's the period of dimness, when it's 'darker than dark.'"

~ Mary Pope Osborne

What's more, how pompous is it to call yourself a lightworker? Is it true that you are endeavoring to draw in a careless faction?


A genuine lightworker doesnt tell everybody that they are that. Its evident. Significantly a larger number of times than not, it is the individuals who consume us with reality, the things we didnt see before they tagged along, that are the brightest, and the exceptionally ones we get some distance from, to backpedal into the solace of numbness; discussing light, however not being.

A large portion of all however, genuine lightworkers dont speak most only about light and cushy things. They discuss the avoided and overlooked things, on the grounds that by sharing their comprehension of the overwhelming, the excruciating, the dim, they bring light to where there was little to none.

With love,


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