Dreaming - 11.14.17

in spirituality •  7 years ago  (edited)


Usually dreams come pretty easily when there is karmic information needed (in fact, the sudden onset of a lot of dreams is a good indication there is something going on), but there are ways to incubate dreams if they are not coming.

The easiest thing is to "Intend an ascending dream" before going to sleep. I combine the intention with the Silva Mind Method (with complete focus, repeat the intention 20 times. I am also able to use this to dreamwalk and visit friends!) :)

Another technique is filling a glass of water, drinking half, and placing the other half by the bedside. When you wake, write down your dream and drink the rest of the water.

(speaking of water while sleeping - leaving a full glass of water out can help if there are recurring nightmares or dream interference).

Keeping a dream journal or notebook near the bed is another signal to your mind & soul that you are serious about tuning in to the wisdom of your dreams. And of course dream pillows don't hurt! I keep one I made myself with a personal blend of herbs.

Again, rather than paraphrasing it would be easier to provide the link to Aurora's page about ascension dreaming here:



Dream 11.14.17
I was at an unfamiliar place, but it felt like a nearby community. I was with my mother looking out a window at the first dusting of snow. Although I would not do this in my waking life, I texted a blogger I follow as if she were a close friend, with pictures of the snow and she texted back picks of deeper snow at her farm & said "want to trade?" I also texted my sister and she replied with old pictures from years past of her kids in the snow. I felt aggravated that it seemed like everyone wanted to compete with me, vs. hearing what I was trying to share, which was the joy and magic of the first snow of the season.

I was then out on the road & saw that there were trees down everywhere. There were two damaged houses. I could see Christmas lights hanging out of the holes in the houses. I ended up in one of them. I recognized a bookshelf that belongs to me. I had been storing it, but it was being used here in the living room, though it was empty of my things. My daughter commented about a large sign (some kind of old advertising). A lady appeared & said it belonged to her grandfather, who I used to work for.

Then I saw my husband chewing dill pickle gum (is that a thing? lol). I was reading a book with a lock on it. I didn't want him to see it because it was a book about spousal abuse, and in no way did it pertain to him so I didn't want him to think that I was thinking such things about him. LOL There was a very important reason for me reading that book though, and I had the sense that it was about something completely unrelated to the main subject of the book. I hid it under the couch, though I wasn't sure if he saw me hide it or not.



I believe it is preferable to use your intuition to interpret your own dream language. (The link provided above has a section of useful questions to jumpstart interpretation). For me that's the first task, but I also do like to flip through interpretation guides to see if there is any information I missed. http://www.dreammoods.com is my favorite site for this.

Some of the symbols from dreammoods:


To dream that you are looking out the window signifies your outlook on life, your consciousness and your point of view. It also refers to your intuition and awareness. You may be reflecting on a decision. Or the dream is telling you that you need to go out into the larger world and experience life. Consider the significance of the things you see when you look out the window.


To see snow in your dream signifies your inhibitions, unexpressed emotions and feelings of frigidity. You need to release and express these emotions and inhibitions. Alternatively, snow means that you are feeling indifferent, alone and neglected. If the snow is melting, then it suggests that you are acknowledging and releasing emotions you have repressed. You are overcoming your fears and obstacles. If you are driving in the snow, then it means that you need to be extra cautious about how your approach your goals.

To dream that you are watching the snow fall represents a clean start and a fresh, new perspective. It is indicative of spiritual peace and tranquility.

To see an unknown road in your dream represents a path that has not been ventured. You are setting a new precedence for something.

Dead Tree
To see a withered or dead tree in your dream indicates that your hopes and desires have been dashed. You are experiencing some instability in your life. Alternatively, the dead tree represents infertility or a lack of virility. Perhaps it signal an end to a familial line (as in a family tree).�

String Lights
To see or hang string lights in your dream implies flexibility in how you see things.
To see a bookshelf in your dream represents the various levels of your mind where ideas, concepts, and memories are kept. It also suggests your need to acquire some information or knowledge in a situation before making your decision.


To dream that you are chewing gum suggests that you are unable to express yourself effectively. You may feel vulnerable. Alternatively, it symbolizes a sticky situation that you are involved in.

To dream that you are unable to get rid of your gum suggests that you are experiencing some indecision, powerlessness or frustration. You may lack understanding in a situation or find that a current problem is overwhelming. The gum in your mouth is a metaphor for something that you are trying to process or digest. Perhaps you feel that you have bitten off more than you can chew.


To see or eat a pickle in your dream signifies some anxiety and fear of coming trouble. [there is more about what a pickle can mean, but in this case, that's not what it's referring to ;) ]


Personal Interpretations:

Several things stand out in connection with the map I did:

-The theme of being ignored/not being heard (original trigger)
-the blogger - "want to trade?" - energy brokering
-dead trees being the end of a lineage (extinct species) + the unknown road is actually mapping this GrandMaster lineage. I've been working on it for some time.
-someone else using my "bookshelf"/Akashic Records/Holographic Information
-the locked "abuse" book and trying to hide its hidden knowledge... ????? I don't know, but that's the important thing I need to figure out by getting some clariflying messages
-the dill gum - in this case, I feel that it is pointing out Dill as a healing essence, magickal herb, or both. It has some very interesting properties:


I'm curious if those properties are referring to the overwhelm and overstimulation of the time wedge and how it affects the adrenals. Could it be used as a supporting herb to help calm the symptoms until the karma is resolved?

Magickal properties:
Dill Planet: Mercury Element: Earth/Fire Main magickal uses: love, protection, psychic protection Other magickal uses: Blessings, confidence, determination, dreams, fertility, gain, harmony, keeping secrets, money, passion, peace, prevents theft, retention, rest, sleep, tranquility Lore: Some hold that Dill is such a Mercurial herb that it should not be used when Mercury is in retrograde. It has a long tradition of use as a protection against magic: an old rhyme says, "Vervaine and dill/ Hinder witches of their will." (Another version says, "Trefoil, vervain, St. John's Wort, dill/ Hinder witches of their will." In either case, this is specifically meant against evil witches: the healers actually used all of these herbs.)


Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs also lists it as having protective/warding properties.


Interesting. :) If you have any additional insights, I'd love to hear!
<3 K

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