For too long I have been setting up a plethora of websites, when really the one topic I love and have learned from the experience of pain is how to conquer the black dog that is anxiety and fear of failure. So whats with the website I have called soiamthat? Basically, its a play on an often, in my opinion, misinterpreted phrase "I Am That I Am". This, of course, is a main phrase in the Bible. The correct way to interpret this, again of course, in my opinion, is to add a comma after "That".
Surely this is simply semantics? That leads, of course, to the point of this Blog and why it is called "soiamthat". "so" is an acronym for "Semantics of". So the topic I will be discussing here is the definition of your life and times. The semantics of, i am THAT, I am, as opposed to "I am that I am". What is the difference? I am that I am, implies that your consciousness is wrapped up in the idea that you know you exist and therefore you do, while i am THAT, I am, implies that your consciousness is wrapped up in what you are observing at this moment and so is in your complete control and not bound to the past or the future and is as eternal as the movement of space.
The semantics of i AM can set you free from the Ego (I am) that is wholly finite and bounded by the beliefs you have decided to attach to your I am from the time you emerged under great duress from the womb into an entirely foreign and dependent relationship with the physical world. This dependency automatically set you up to receive external input gratefully and without question or enquiry from your new environment. That is when the illusion of a finite self was created by you, and so your pain begins. A self, cemented ironically by those you love most when they gave you your name and you accepted it and answered to it like one of Pavlov's dogs. #soiamthat