Occam's Razor applied

in spirituality •  8 years ago 

Occam's Razor: "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily."

The most closed of all minds have always been those in both the Religious and Scientific communities as neither can give way to the reality of the other. Whereas when the two finally come together in the spirit of unity and mutual understanding the prospect of discovery and true understanding is limitless.

As it is obvious to most people of reason that in the realm of science the universe is "Much" older than the 6000 year perception of traditional creationists.

It should also be obvious to those same creationists who believe in a Creator that if the Creator is infinite then in order for him to be a creator He must always have a creation and the creation must be much older than their perception of it therefore fitting the definition of eternal; having a beginning but not having an end. The belief of limiting creation to a time determined by the creation is limiting the Limitless Creator they claim to believe in and thus is irrational.

On the other hand the scientific principle of open minded investigation must also be present in the scientific community along with the principle of Occam's Razor or narrowing the possible solutions to the simplest explanation, that no painting ever painted itself thus any creation in existence must have a Creator.
Therefore if the strong survive due to natural selection. Then those who are wealthy and powerful are in fact stronger and smarter than you, thus they have every right by the process of natural selection to rule over you, you don't actually have any rights as those rights are only given by that same process.
So to deny the existence of a Creator is also by their own methodology irrational.

If the new age perception that universe is trying to perceive it self through itself is deliberated in a manner of reason then the universe is like an ocean, each drop in the ocean consisting of the make up of the ocean therefore the ocean is a product of each drop.Drop
If a single drop has no distinction between it self and it's environment it has no awareness of whether or not it is a drop or the whole ocean thus having no awareness of it's own self existence without separation from the environment demanding the necessary forces to separate it from the ocean for the realization of it's boundaries and existence separate from the ocean and the ability of comprehension for self recognition.
The whole ocean therefore being made up of all those drops being themselves unaware of their own existence would lead to the conclusion that the whole ocean is also unaware of it's own existence.
Nothing that is unaware of it's existence has the ability to create anything or possesses any kind of perfections or the necessary organizational skills such as order, intelligence, power or creativity to create anything in the first place.

Following reason there must be a Creator and we must be the creation therefore having no ability to comprehend that which created the creation.

In short no painting can comprehend the mind or intent of the artist nor can it ever become the artist.

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