Can a Simple Quiz Describe Your Spirituality?

in spirituality •  7 years ago 

"You're Subconsciously A Peaceful Quaker!"


That's the result I got this morning from a spirituality quiz that's been making the rounds on social media lately. I find that funny because students at UPENN (my alma mater) are known as "Quakers."

Reading the full description, it's nor far off from a non-aggression principled voluntaryist perspective. Amazing they can come up with that just through a multiple-choice quiz involving some pictures.

Here's the full description I got:

You're subconsciously a peaceful Quaker! Deep down, you're openminded, fair, principled and justice oriented. Your inner, subconscious spirituality is motivated by a profound desire to make peace and fight for justice.

Quakers (or Friends) are members of a group of religious Christian movements which is known as the Religious Society of Friends. Quakers believe that truth is continuously revealed directly to individuals from God. Quakers often focus on trying to hear, the inner, still voice of God. Pacifism, social justice and peace making are important elements of the Quaker religious experience.

The parts I'd disagree with, I guess, are pacifism (NAP is not a pacifist stance, but advocates the use of defensive force when necessary) and relying on divinely revealed truth. I think to call something "true" we have to put a strong epistemology to work and try to disprove it as much as possible first. Then, of course, there's also the whole theism thing.

What do you get when taking the quiz? You can do so here on mydailyquizz.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

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interesting. I went to a Quaker school too. Only thing that I don't get about Quakerism is this idea of "consensus". Too impractical

While I was filling it out, I felt it was missing options. So I had to choose the option that was closest to what I was thinking. But ... I agree with the conclusion.

So, to answer your question, in my case, the answer is yes. This survey/quiz described my spirituality.

You're Subconsciously An Agnostic Philosopher!


You're subconsciously an Agnostic philosopher! You're a thinker with passion for understand exactly how things work. You're inner spirituality is rooted in an awe of the physical world around us and intellectual pursuit. You're a curious, intellectual and observant person.

Agnosticism neither denies nor affirms the existence of God or a Higher Power. Agnostic leave the question open with an open mind, waiting for proof one way or the other.

Nice! I like this answer.

One thing about agnosticism I find interesting is some definitions of it go so far as to say something like "It can never be known!" which is, I think, a more closed-minded perspective than an atheist (which is surprising). Example from Google:

a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

The "or can be known" part gets me. That differs from the definition above which suggests proof would then push them in a specific direction for or against. From my understanding, an atheist would asset theism to be true, given evidence to do so.

Love the Einstein pic. :)

I don't know if I'm a subconsciously Jew or not.. but I think this shows a little right about me.. I try to enjoy every single day of my life and try to be kind. And optimistic too. I believe every single thing what is in front of me. . this is my result of that quiz,

I got You're Subconsciously A Chill Rastafarian!

You're subconsciously a chill Rastafarian! Deep down you're a laid back, creative and passionate person with a love for altered states of consciousness. Your subconscious spirituality is rooted in brotherly love , simplicity and passionate service of Yah!

Rastafari is an afro-centric belief system which developed in Jamaica in the 1930s. The Rastafari way of life encompasses the spiritual use of cannabis and the rejection of the degenerate society of materialism and oppression.

Super love this reply. I wish you were by brother so I made it so!

Nice! I almost clicked the picture of pot also. I wonder if I did, would I have gotten the same result?


if looking at pictures decides spirituality then we would be living in a peaceful world

Did you take the test? I'm curious if you think it comes up with an accurate view of you.

You're Subconsciously A Born Again Christian

My result

The only place to "test" your spirituality is in your heart. There is so much lost in the use of words, symbols, and signposts to enlightment etc. Your capapcity for love, receiving it and generating it, cannot be quantified. It's limitless and indescribable.

It may be, but did you take the test? It might surprise you.

Okay I'll do it. Let you know. A Peaceful Quaker! You are right I am surprised. there doesn't seem to be a lot of peace in my heart...

Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I wonder if the test skews at all if we go into it thinking it will not properly grasp who we are which in turn impacts our decisions during the test.

You could be right. Tried to be close to real. A stubborn skepticism is tough to battle, can only soften heart and open mind in short bursts. Cognitive of creepy anger and bitterness in the world. People like you and so many others here are changing my hardness into open couriosity There is so much compassion and lively discourse on things I have never contemplated it's changing me i.e. the world for the better.

That's really encouraging to hear. Thank you. :)

i visited the test page, the result was good. thanks for sharing
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I too got You're Subconsciously A Peaceful Quaker! .. Did you choose many naked people to ? :P
I really Loved your end intro Luke
Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner .... It is nice to know unlike others you have family as the priority :)

Hah! I did pick the naked people. We must have picked the same answers for all of them, I'd imagine. Or maybe that depends on how many permutations they have going and how many answers.

Thanks. I have three kids and an amazing wife. I'm working every day to be better for them and myself.

I Just tried it for a giggle, and got "You're subconsciously a Hindu Yogi! You're a creative, quirky and unique person with a passion for spiritual awareness. Deep down your inner spirituality is rooted in a holistic approach to growing closer to the Divine.

Hinduism is one of the most ancient religious practices in the world. Yoga is a spiritual path that unites the individual with God. Yoga can be a physical, mental, and spiritual practice."

Which is quite bang on the mark, I'm actually a holistic therapist too and that wasn't even remotely a question.

Off to become a Yogi now................

Haha... wow. That's cool how close it got to describing you well.

Without sounding like I'm trying to blow my own trumpet there's nothing in there I can deny. I've always just thought these kind's of online things run off some kind of data gathering tool? But we looked at the Rorschach test (the ink blot test) whilst I was in University and there is certainly something to it. If you haven't tried that one you should try it, I'm sure it's available online. I almost find it a little unnerving that such subtle clues can reveal so much about my character. But it made me giggle all the same.

Yeah, I don't think we are as complex or varied a similar we like to pretend. Worldview themes are quite easy to fall into which is why we label each other so much.

I was a dancing Jew! That's ironic because I recently had a friend who converted to The Jewish faith and I've loved learning about her religion.

The test revealed my spirituality spot on. Interesting post.

Looks like I'm a Peaceful Quaker too! I can live with that

No big surprise there. :)

My results... I'm... subconsciously a Dancing Jew!
This is what my brother in law always wanted to be.
Seems I beat him to it. Funny quiz. Pretty accurate.

Hah! I didn't know dancing jew was a thing. :)

Steemit is full of information! Now I came across a new word Quakers! I got to research more! And btw I am new to this Steemit thingy! Do have a look some of my posts and leave an appreciation if you like it!
Steem sign.PNG

Peaceful Quaker....Not really that surprising. I do define myself as an agnostic gnostic-- which means I don't know if God exists, but Christian Gnosticism is one of the few religious narratives that actually jives with lived experience....

I took the quiz.. and "You're Subconsciously A Born Again Christian"

wow.. that's gonna be awkward with my family lol

me too got same

interesting. thanks for sharing @lukestokes

These quiz are just for fun only. I don't take them too seriously.

Sure, but this one was fun and surprisingly accurate. Did you take it?

Will take it later just for fun.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@likestokes muy buen post
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