The duality of this reality requires extremes to discern what is Truly wanted.

in spirituality •  7 years ago 

Hello world. Yesterday I had posted an article titled, "We are only limited by what it is we choose to believe.", on a number of platforms, one of which is called I had a brother ask me some questions that I am being guided to share with you all as well as my responses to those questions.

A brother asks, "I'm so sorry to hear of the trauma you've endured Sabrina. A couple of things you mention I find extremely shocking and sad. But reading your posts makes it clear that you've not allowed them to define you as a person. All I can see is a strong and very wise woman who truly loves herself and others and is motivated by a very clear truth within. Inspirational stuff. I agree with pretty much everything you've posted - particularly your message of self belief and not having to live in accordance with others judgments of you. Of not conforming to the unwritten rules of how society expect us to act and the things we are to believe. Whilst we can all shake of the shackles of our past and not allow it to dictate how we feel and act, I can't move past the notion that we are who we are because of the past and the things - good and bad - that have happened "to" us. What are your thoughts on this? Are these "life lessons" to be discarded as unhelpful hindrances to our spiritual development? Or do we embrace them as part of who we are but without letting them control us? (PS. I have not "Liked" this post as I feel that's an insensitive action given the information you've shared.)"

My response, "Hello brother. Every experience has a lesson within it that was created specifically for us to learn who we are and are meant to be. In the duality of this reality we seem to require the experience of extremes to be able to discern the differences in what is wanted and what is not. Your questions were based in judgmental fears of making mistakes. There are NO mistakes. There can be no mistakes. Our Creator is not capable of making mistakes.

Each of us are REQUIRED to choose what it is we will experience in every moment. We make these choices and decisions. On our journeys we reach a point of review. It will be in these moments that we CHOOSE to review each life experience and question what we had chosen to believe it to be for us. It will be during this review that we gain understanding as to how each experience had value and was of benefit to us.

Our experience can and do color our purview of ourselves, our brothers and the world around us, for a time. It is during these reviews that we are able to look at them without judgments and complete detachment that we are able to change our minds about them and so change our entire purview. A shift happens within us. It happens in our minds and as we change our minds the world changes with us and the purview we once had held falls away as if it was never there.

We are given an ability to now look upon those experiences without the emotional, mental and physical pain and suffering over running our psyche. We are able to now share those experiences and the lessons we learned about ourselves from them. We learn to do this without fear of judgment from others. It is in the sharing of our personal journeys with the experiences had and the lessons learned from them that will help our brothers heal as we have been healed. It is how we help each other through the darkness. We hold the Light for those still seeking answers that we have learned.

There is no insensitivity in liking the sharing of ones experiences nor the lessons learned from them. If what has been shared has helped you or moves you in some way it is alright to like it. What it conveys is an appreciation for the information that was shared and not necessarily the "underlining subject matter". I hope this answers your questions fully brother. "

My brother responds, "Thanks so much for the comprehensive reply! Yes it does answer my questions..and I feel those answers are the truth. Many thanks for your time and consideration."

Blessings on your journeys to healing my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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Do you ever feel that you are preaching to the converted? Or, do you feel that you are on an uphill struggle?

Hello brother. I am doing neither of those items. Every item I share come from real life experiences and conversation held with my Guides and my brothers. I am here to be an example. I hold the Light of understanding for those still lost in their own darkness of belief. If you continue to read the articles I share you will find the underlining theme within them all is Sovereignty. Blessings on your journey brother Hugs and love.

Thank you; I shall continue reading then to find out what you are talking about...