Law of Attraction; and why you NEED to know this.

in spirituality •  7 years ago 


In our universe there are many laws and for most, the law of gravity is what first comes to mind. However, what many don't know Is the Law of Attraction and this one is just as important.

Actually, since gravity requires no effort from us whatsoever, this makes the Law of Attraction more important (in my opinion).

Let's talk about why you, (yes, you) need to know the Law of Attraction.

First it's a Universal Law;
~ These laws are NOT man-made and will take affect whether you know about them or not.
~ They do NOT discriminate either, and thus will materialize WHATEVER you think unto it.

Alright, so we know it's a universal law; but what is it?
~It's a law that either creates us, or destroys us.
~It's primary function, is to materialize that which we think about most of the time. Since our thoughts have frequency and vibration, (ex: think about when you've looked at someone and they knew you were staring; creep!) this means we all possess a "creative mind".

Creative mind? What? I have the power to create?
Yes actually, we all do. Power to improve our lives or ruin our lives. The choice really is yours. It's a well known secret amongst most successful people that positive thinking is key to a positive life (who would have thought?)


It really is that simple, we create our own lives based on the way we think. Also, it really is that simple. Well…

Unfortunately and fortunately habit actually plays a big role in the way we think. Whether we're mostly positive thinkers or mostly negative thinkers, usually habit is to blame. It just becomes the norm! (damn you habit; or thank you?).


Refer to my last blog about addiction and habit for a better understanding

Obviously this will take some effort, but hey, all things in life worthwhile take effort. Let's start by appreciating what we DO have and not what we DON’T have.

Please, don't use the Universal Law of Attraction against yourself (like most of us do). It may be the best thing you ever do in your entire life. Exciting isn't it?!

~ Personal experience & successes.
~ Google images
~ Lots of books, including "the secret" by Rhonda Byrne.

Cheers to living well and prospering!


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I do like the idea behind the Law of Attraction but then I think, who desires more than a starving person desires food, and yet nothing happens. This kind of just makes me less optimistic about this law. Well maybe I am missing something.

Does the starving person in the street desire food? Or are they thinking of the food they don't have? This is the part of this that I think most people don't seem to get. It is a rather simple difference but, it is also the opposite.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh I can bet you they desire food, when you're hungry that's all you want.

"Those who think they can and those who think they can't are both usually right" - Confucious.

I believe you are missing something; Belief is the key here, as just thought alone won't materialize anything. I'm certain you have heard of "poor mentality". If one is born poor, then one believes being poor to be reality. The rich grow richer because they have acquired "rich mentality" and to simplify; poor mentality = negative thinking, rich mentality = positive thinking.

Don't get me wrong though, most success stories begin in dark corners, please research.

No doubt, but you have to accept this only can go so far in the example I put somebody who is starving and there is no food anywhere near like say a desert you can believe all you want but I bet you over 99% don't make it and they desired with all their heart.
I am not trying to contradict you, you have maybe experienced something that makes you believe in it, and I also do believe there is something to the law of attraction but it has to have limits, perhaps we should study what those limits are.