Have you ever caught yourself looking at a particular part of the night time sky without knowing specifically why?
Is there a particular star, star system of galaxy that seems very familiar to you?
Do you sense a certain frequency among starseeds that you might not sense in other people?
Have you experienced repetitive numerical synchronicity such as 11:11, 3:33, 33, 11,55, 5:55, etc?
Do you feel like Earth is not your "home"?
Have you ever wondered if your soul is from another star system?
Many of us have led previous lives from other star systems. While the empirical scientist will undoubtedly question this belief, they cannot disprove it, either. You “just know” it and no explanation is necessary. These are some of the thoughts that are locked into your cellular memory as you are beginning to recall who you are, what your purpose is here and where you came from.
This is also why many starseeds are empaths. Many empaths came here to absorb the negative energies that is imposed upon us by the ruling elite. They can also sense the difference in energy signatures between various planets and solar systems and innately know that this planet is not their home base.
Many starseeds are discontent with the fear-ladened propaganda on Earth and are beginning to remember the love vibrations from their planet of origin, which makes this incarnation so much more difficult for many starseeds because the love vibration is much denser here than where they came from. This, in turn, may cause depression for some starseeds but will not be recognized or acknowledged by most therapists who are brainwashed by the DSM-V and Big Pharma.The term Starseed means that many on Earth are from other star systems, galaxies, even other universes.
A Starseed is a starborn mortal, a human being with alien DNA. Starseeds have been coming since the beginning of earth's history, getting experience in being human and learning many lessons, reincarnating over and over again, until they were ready for an "awakening" The Starseeds of Light agreed to forget who they are when born as humans. Many come with special missions to serve humanity in some way. They are now awakening to who they really are and sense that something spectacular will happen soon. They too are here to help us awaken.
The frustrations levels and the 'need to know now' levels - run high.
Their eyes have an extremely compelling quality
They have great magnetism and personal charisma
They are very sensitive to electricity and electromagnetic fields
88-92% have lower body temperature than the norm
At an early age they had some kind of extraterrestrial, religious or mystical /experience
92% feel a tremendous sense of urgency to fulfill their missions
65% are female: 35% are male
90% have experienced a sense of oneness with the universe
83-94% have chronic sinusitis
32-34% have extra or transitional vertebra
97% have hypersensitivity to sound, light, odors
74% report out of body experiences
57% perceive auras
63% have experienced a white light during meditation
50% believe that they receive some form of communication from a higher
50% have accomplished dramatic healings on themselves and others
38% practice automatic writing
60% have perceived spirit guides
75% have experienced clairvoyance, clairaudience
57% have made prophetic statements or experienced prophetic dreams or
that have come to pass
38% have been visited by an angel
37% reveal the manifestation of a Light Being
35% feel that they have been blessed by the appearance of a holy figure
50% are convinced that they have a spirit guide or angel
40% admit to having had an invisible playmate as a child
20% once spotted an elf or "wee person"
14% have witnessed the activities of the "fairies"
34% are certain that they have encountered alien entities of an extraterrestrial or multidimensional level
55% report an intense religious experience
72% claim an illumination experience
90% have experienced telepathic communication with another entity, physical or non-physical from another realm.
48% have seen a ghost
42% have connected with a deceased loved one
76% believe in reincarnation and have past life memories
37% have survived a life-threatening illness
34% have been involved in a severe accident or trauma
55% have had near death experiences NDE
78% believe that have lived on another planet and can tell you about it
Some are aware of parallel existence at this time in other worlds
86% believe in miracles
Most believe in a God or creator energy source
All believe in life on other planets
When we look at the various ethnic diversities on this planet, along with the drastic changes in blood types and Rh values, it becomes quite apparent that we are not all from the same place of origin. This is the most compelling evidence that many of us (if not all) are starseeds. If we were to believe that we all came from Adam and Eve, then surely our blood types would be the same and we would all be of the same ethnic origin.
It becomes more obvious that this planet is a galactic experiment to see how various star families will get along with one another. Through materialism and ego, along with the fear propaganda from the main stream media, we have been flooded with negative stimuli, yet we remain resilient in our search for truth. Dogmatic establishments perpetuate these lies in their creation stories and have caused more deaths through inquisitions and crusades than virtually all illnesses combined. This is part of the divide and conquer mentality that has been reinforced by our main stream media and educational facilities.
Despite the onslaught of mind control, you inwardly know that this reality has been manipulated to be something that is distant from your “place of origin” and this dissonance may have created separation between you and your friends or family members.
You Are Not Alone!
Many of us have “hit the wall” in terms of the relationships we have, whether that involves a divorce or losing friends who “just don’t get it”. For many people, it seems like the Universe has specifically chosen this point in time for us to face our biggest challenges, which is a blessing because it helps us to further our spiritual progression by being able to learn from these situations. Because of your starseed awakening, you have been able to recognize the difference between our perceived perception of reality and how that compares to where we originally came from. In many ways, your place of origin may reflect the similar values as when you were back with Source.
Why did I decide to incarnate to this World again?
Let’s look at this from another perspective. Imagine you are on the other side with Source. After being here on Earth in your previous incarnation, would you want to come back again?
Let’s twist this one more time. Imagine you are back with Source and your previous incarnations were on planets that were solely based on high frequency love vibrations. How tempting would it be to incarnate on Earth to experience polarity and duality, something that you have never experienced before? Of course, while you are on the other side it seemed like such an easy challenge because the only thing you have ever known is love. Ha! Now that you are here, do you want to come back again?
I have a feeling that many will choose to come back because this planet gives us so many more opportunities to grow spiritually than any planet solely based on love. It is easy to bitch about our problems while we are here but I can assure you that when you get to the other side, you will be immensely grateful for every opportunity you’ve had in this incarnation.
As evidence by past life regressions, many people have come here from other star systems to help raise Earth’s vibrations as we near the end of the precession of the equinoxes and are heading into the Age of Aquarius.
Your purpose as a starseed may vary, but in general, you decided to come here to not only be part of the great awakening process, but to help other people transcend into the new paradigm shift. For some people, they are doing this as empaths who are absorbing many of the negative energies on this planet while other starseeds are simply here to bring their light and energy.
By now, you have already received your awakening codes through synchronistic numbers such as 11:11, 4:44, 1:23, etc… These numbers have been genetically encoded within your DNA to allow you to awaken at this specific point in time. While many of us have sensed that “something isn’t right” about this world for our entire lives, our official awakening was delayed to allow us to experience life in this 3rd dimensional reality while helping to fulfill the soul contracts we made when we were back with Source.
Since your starseed codes have been activated, you have learned more during this awakening than the rest of your life combined because your mind is now able to acknowledge and process this information much faster and easier than ever before. Additionally, you needed to gain these previous lifetime experiences to be able to differentiate the difference between your true reality and the subjective reality that has been enforced upon you.
The most difficult part of your starseed awakening is found within the relationships you’ve had and how they have changed since your awakening. You have chosen to follow your higher self and because of this, many of your friends and family do not understand.
Another hurdle you may encounter will be the unprogramming of the identity that you spent a lifetime to create. While you may be known as John or Jane Doe with a specific title such as nurse, mechanic or teacher, those are part of this incarnations identities that help to define who you are in this incarnation, but you have lived many lives with different names and titles and have been both male and female in those previous lives. Your unprogramming becomes a little bit easier when you realize that ultimately, you’re s spiritual being having a human experience and that your identity is more ego based than spiritual.
In other words, you were programmed by this society to conform to its system of hierarchy and now it’s time to reprogram your mind to what you have known for all of eternity. Don’t worry about those who can’t perceive a world without money or any of the other system controls that keep us enslaved as a society. Perhaps their codes to awaken will happen soon, but it’s not now. As long as we are buying into the system, we are part of it. It’s time to awaken to your true, divine self!
Additionally: "The seeded entities that comprise this mission were pre-encoded to awaken at this time. That means that their DNA structures were genetically designed to go off, like time bombs, at a designated moment in order to accommodate more light that the current human model was prepared to entertain. The time for genetic detonation is now.
As the transmutation of genetic structure unfolds throughout the planet, your pre-encoded genetic program will activate. For a time, you will groggily begin the process of deprogramming from the old systems. Your identity will begin its march out of the third dimension while your personality and ego may be more inclined to cling to a sinking ship.
As the old programs of a dying world begin to unravel, you may experience a little discomfort, such as your entire world falling apart. It may be useful during this transition to remember that you are an interdimensional master who is an expert at transmuting crumbling realities. You have done this many times before."
Innately, you sense that something big is about to happen. You realize that THIS is the reason why you are here and you desire to help facilitate the shift in consciousness in every way possible, even if that means disassociating yourself from the main stream societal ways of life.
From this point forward, your main goal as a starseed is to raise global consciousness. Through thought and intention, we can change this paradigm but first we need to disassociate ourselves from the current brainwashing and societal expectations of what life is supposed to be like in this 3rd dimensional reality. Also, continue to be aware of numerical synchronicities that occur in everyday life because each one you experience will help to reinforce your acknowledgement and purpose as a starseed. Lastly, be true to yourself, even in the face of adversity and especially when others challenge your beliefs.
Like Gandhi said, “Even if you are the minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”
wow ~ ^^ follow you
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Very informative, even though i knew i was a space alien after high school, without really discovering the word starseed. I have had later confirmations from others, that i am indeed a starseed.
I cannot go into much detail (partly because i have several layers of magical restrictions on me, and i am not allowed to remember), but, i find that i generally fit the bill for about half of these traits.
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