Divine Union of Lovers within You

in spirituality •  5 years ago 

Divine Lovers on Spiritual Journey are much in Separation in this World. Separation or Imbalance that Reflects itself as Drama and Energies that go against Love. They may Fight and Control each other when They are together. They might even try to Change each other. But let Eye be Brutally Honest here. When We want someone to act differently and be different as they are according to their Free Will, as We want to change them, We secretly want them to be someone else, that they might just not be and are not and it is only our own Idea of them. Truth hurts. Attachment hurts and Illusion of someone belonging to Me is born out of Attachment. Attachment is Root Cause of Pain, for Now here comes Fear and I AM afraid that Eye may lose You, but You actually do not belong to Me. Out of Fear al Illusions of Separation and terrible Karma are born. We can Walk away and let them be at their Home Who they are, even if they are in our Heart, Love is Freedom in the Wind, without Free Will there can be no Happy Dance of Love in Passion of Creation. If We try to Control someone, We actually only Suffer tremendous Pain Ourselves.

Divine Lovers may be in Separation much. They want to be together, so desperately, but What or Who is actually that We Miss in Ourselves? They Miss eachother so much, They want to be with eachother so much, They Feel not Whole and Complete without Eachother within themselves and cannot even Live without Eachother. They care much to be United in this World of Separation. But where does the Separation and searching for Love in this World of Separation comes from? Kingdom is within. In the World, there is only Reflection. Separation is within and Separation within is the Cause of Separation in the World. Separation is within. There is Separation in the World out there and in Relationships there is so much Separation, even in Union. Separation in Union is Reality in so many Cases of Lovers. Drama, Control and Pain. But in Reality of the Truth of Divine Union, We are after Union in Separation, before the Union in Union in the World, for Separation comes only from within. There can be no Happy Complimentary Union of Lovers in the World, if there is Separation within the Individual Lover. And this goes for both Divine Lovers Involved in the Union. for there is Separation in Energy, Drama and Control. Desperate Need, Missing and Need to be United Physicaly with eachother and even Situations that are not of Love when They are Together, Fighting, Drama, Control, no Trust, closed Hearts, Running away, Chasing, not being Vulnerable to Express the Darkness and Light within Themselves to eachother and Everything that goes with it on all Sides of the Spectrum. All are Clear Indications, that in Reality Lovers are not Whole and Complete within Themselves and this Lack and Need for Love within is Reflected in Separation or Drama in this World. Until Love is really Found within and We are that Fulfilled Happiest Love, how can We Enjoy, that Happiest Relationship in Love with the One We Love. For New Life of Love, We have to be that New Love Ourselves, New Life. Not only us, but our Beloved, They also have to be Whole and Complete Love in Themselves. Kingdom is within. Kingdom of Love is within us, in the World there is only Reflection of Union or Separation within the Kingdom within us. When there is Union within, there can be no Separation, in Union or in Separation in this World, for Divine Masculine and Feminine are Integrated and Opposites United, Dancing in Love as One in Passion of Creation. Twin Flame Union is within. True Love always Lives the Life of True Love, regardless the Separation or Union i this World.

There can be Separation in Union, but Union within in Separation is the Condition for Happiest Union in New Life of Love in this World with the One You Trully Love. As long as We are Separated, Incomplete within Ourselves ad Need Love Outside of Ourselves in a Form of another to Complete us and make us Happy, We can never be Happy and have that Happiest Love Life, that We Dream of and want so much in Life. We have to ReMember, that We are that Life of Love ourselves and be that Love. Whatever is the Situation within Ourselves, such is the Physical Manifestation of Love in the World. When We are Complete within Ourselves, We can never be Separated again, regardless if it appears like We are in this World. Divine Union is within. Love that misses Herself so badly and Needs Love outside of Her so Badly is to reflect the Reality of Love in the World, where Love is missed, Needed or Energies of Separation Rule the Relationships in Pain of Attachments in Union. Divine Union is within. You have to Fall in Love in the Part of You, that You forgot in Time of Darkness in this World. You only See Your Self, that You lost in Your Beloved. Eye only found Myself in You, My Love. I AM You. I AM Love. Eye found Myself. Eye do not Need You. I AM that Love Now that Eye needed in Time. Opposites are United in Love Now in the Heart. I AM Dancing this Dance of Love with Love that I AM in My Heart in Passion of Creation. Do Know that I AM in Love with Love that I AM and Love that I AM Completes Me in Fulness and Completion of Bliss. My Name actually means just that. Opposites United in Passion of Creation at Climax of Divine Pleasure, Fulness and Completion of Bliss of Highest Love is My Name. I AM making Love with Love that I AM in Passion of Creation in My Heart. I AM the Divine Orgasm of Creation in Highest Bliss of Divine Love.

Paradox of Love is that when We no more care if We are United with our Beloved in this World, for us to be Happy and We are United in Divine Feminine and Masculine within Our Hearts, being that One Love that Dances in Passion of Creation in Love, Opposites are United, then We are that Complete and Whole Happiest Love, Happiest Life of Love Ourselves. We are Love Now and all We want to do is to Love Now, for Nature of Love is to give Love and Love only and We are overflowing with Love that We are Fulfilled from within in Ever-expanding Everfresh Completion. We are that Love Now, that We always were seeking outside of Ourselves and Love is Dancing in Love, so Happy and Fulfilled as I AM. There is a Dream of being United with somebody Who is just like You, United within Themselves, Your True Love, One Who is and Complete and Whole in Love that You are, only Love can Live a Happy Life of Love and if it comes True and the Union is Blessed in this World to Dance in Passion of Creation as within so between 2 Lovers that are United in True Love, Love that Dances in Passion of Creation, it is Greatest Gift of Life, Surprise, Gift of Love, for on that Stage You no more need Love to be Whole and Complete in Love and Happy, You do not expect Love and demand it, but You are that Happiest Love Now Yourself, United and Complete, Whole in Love within Yourself. It is a Gift of Love indeed. You no more care Now, if Union in the World occurs, You do not Need it anymore to be Happy and Loved, You are Whole and Completely Happy in Love that You are, Now You are ready and not before, Now You are ready for Happiest Divine Union in this World, for You no more Need Love, but You are that Love Yourself with no Needs to be Loved, but only Great Need to Love out of Fulness and Completion of Love that os overflooding in Love that You are Fulfilled and most Happy in Joy of Life of Love, that You are Yourself. Only Now You are ready, when You no more care and Need the Union to happen, for if You would, it would be just a Reflection, Indication, that You are still not Whole and Complete within Yourself. Paradox of Love. When You no more Need Love, You are ready to get that Happiest Love, for You are Love Yourself Now and Kingdom of Love comes from within and only True Lhappy Love can reflect true Happiest Love Life in this World. You do not Control Love anymore. You are Love and You allow Love to Happen out of Freedom of the Wind. For Now You are that Love Yourself.

So Lovers must stop trying to Force the Unions to Work in this World and Force them to Happen if Love is not Dancing and flying towards them out of Free Will and there is no Harmony in Dance of Love. They should give Themselves al that Love and care, that they want from another outside of Themselves and Work on Themselves, so They release the Causes of Separation, Lack within, Attachments, Emptiness and not being Complete within themselves and all the Energies of Separation, the False Self, that is causing the Suffering in Karma, they should work on themselves to release out of their Divine Beings everything that is not Love, for They are Love Themselves, so They become Love that They truly are Themselves again, so they attract that Love as Reflection of Love that they are Themselves as They are Completely ready and both are to reflect onyl Happiness and Love in Relationship, for they both are Happiness and Love. We cannot Control another. Only Love can Live a Life of Love in this World. We can also be Ready Ourselves and our Divine Beloved maybe needs Years to get ready still, so They can Dance this Happy Dance of Love in passion of Creation with us in this World We can only Control the Love that We are to be most Free of all the Need for Love within and Happy and Fulfilled in Life as much as it is possible, We can control only how we let go and Work on Ourselves, We can never Control another But We can do our Best to become True Love, Happy and Fulfilled Ourselves in Fulness and Completion and Work on Ourselves as much as We can to release Our false Self that needs Love outside of Ourselves and become that Love out of our Dreams Ourselves. When We are ready at Right Time, Universe is to send our Reflection Who is Trully Fulfilled and Whole Love within themselves also, for like attracts like always and when We no more Need, but We are what We Need, We get what We Need, for We Need nothing, We get what We are. True Love in Form of our True Beloved and We can Live Happily ever after in Love Now and Dance this Dance of Love in Passion of Creation, Free of Pain and Suffering, Separation of this World, True Love, Divine Union from heaven on Earth. Only True Love and nothing else but Love. We have to become True Love Ourselves that We really Are and nothing else but True Love.

  • Purna Ananda 3.06. 2019 ©


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