3 Positive Psychology Exercises

in spirituality •  7 years ago 

Positive Thinking Technique #1 – Finding the Good in the Bad

“Bad fortune rests upon Good fortune
Good luck hides within bad luck,” – Lao Tzu

What is it that distinguishes a great person from a weak one? A weak person is overcome or defeated by the difficulties of life. A great person uses those same difficulties to become even greater!
When it comes to positive psychology, everything is a matter of perception. Just because something at first appears to be misfortunate or disastrous, it does not mean it will be in the long run. As Lao Tzu wisely points out, what at first seems good may turn out bad, and what at first turns out bad, may actually be a blessing in disguise.
When something seemingly bad happens, always look for the hidden benefit. Ask yourself how this difficulty can help you enhance yourself, or, if it’s a matter of loss, appreciate how it may gave you the free time or space you need to pursue one of your passions. Nothing bad ever happens, without opening up a possibility for greater good. As Lao Tzu also said:

“Every loss is a gain,
Every gain is a loss.”


Positive Thinking Technique #2 – Preventing the Bad in the Good

Likewise, if something good comes your way, don’t get carried away by it. Be aware of the hidden difficulties, problems, or challenges that a seeming boon may bring with it. You might be ecstatic about a new job or a new relationship that has come into your life – and well you should be! But don’t view it through rose-tinted glasses. Both of these instances can bring completely new challenges into our lives. If we can recognize this in advance – instead of being blissfully oblivious – then we can often prepare for these difficulties, and in some cases, even prevent them. Always use foresight to safeguard against the unexpected. As it says in the I Ching:

“Superior people consider problems and prevent them.”

Positive Thinking Technique #3 – Laughing in the Face of Danger

How we respond to a situation is largely a matter of conditioning. If something good or bad happens to us, we respond in a way that is habitual to us, instead of treating the situation as a unique occurrence. This is especially true in negative situations, where we habitually respond in a negative way. How often does something minor happen – you stub your toe, get stuck in a traffic jam, or read some bad new online – and you respond completely out of proportion by ranting, swearing, cursing, and getting angry and frustrated?
But we don’t need to respond this way. Responding this way only makes us miserable, when we could otherwise be happy.

This is why I’ve found one of the best things to do when something adverse happens is to laugh. Laughter is exceptionally good for the body, releasing endorphins, improving mental health, and cleansing energy blockages. So, the next time you encounter a less than ideal situation, instead of responding by getting angry, irritated, frustrated, or dismayed – just laugh! Not only will de-stress you and make the situation easier to digest – but, as it becomes a habit, you’ll find less and less things annoy, irritate, or upset you, leaving you more time to enjoy your inner peace!

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