Datta Maata 107: Purification of Mind, Speech, and Body

in spirituality •  7 years ago 

The mind, speech and body are referred to as “Trikaranas”. Any work can be accomplished with the help of these three entities. Such a work is known as “Trikarana shuddhi”. This applies to both good and bad.

Vachasekyam, manasekyam, karmanyekyam mahātmanām – The mahātmas take up noble activities seriously involving the mind, speech and body whereas the wicked people take resolution exactly that is opposite to what they say. Further, they work quite opposite to what they resolve. They do not stand by anything and simply keep on talking. Few others announce about their work, even though it is bad.

To follow the path of justice and dharma, one does not possess wealth. We must not think that only the morality possessed by a rich man is honest. The morality shown by a poor man also can be equally honest. Let us understand about the concepts of honesty and morality from a story.

Long ago, there lived a king. He wanted his rule to be very good. Hence, he used to wander about his kingdom in disguise to observe the feelings of his subjects regarding his rule. One night, the king observed a group of thieves talking to each other at an isolated place. One thief came forward and said aloud, “You can observe. Tomorrow, I will rob three out of the four jewels that are safely guarded in the king’s treasure.” The king, who was hiding behind, heard these words and became surprised. Hence, he made arrangements to safeguard his treasure even more. The thief did as he planned. The next day, he robbed the three jewels and showed it to his team. The king also observed this in disguise. The king, as though he does not know anything, ordered the minster to enquire about the details of the treasure. The minster followed the king’s command. Without being noticed, the minister took the fourth jewel for himself and told the king that all the four jewels are robbed. But, the king knew everything. He called the thief in his court. The thief became scared and told the king that he robbed only three jewels and kept the fourth jewel as is in its place. But, the minister argued that the thief would have robbed the fourth jewel as well. The king became furious and said that he very well knows that the jewel is with the minister. The king told the entire story of the minister and appreciated the honesty of the thief in his robbery. He then appointed the thief into his court. Here, we observe the special characteristic of being pure with respect to trikaranas. Amongst the trikaranas, the mind plays a very vital role. In the spiritual path, we can win over the senses if the mind is devoid of impurities. We must remember that the mind must be cultivated with good habits (good samskara). By doing nāma sankeerthana (chanting the divine names of God), archana(worship), japa (repeated chanting of divine names), reading holy books, listening to the good words of elders, one must drive the life in a disciplined path. Then the purification of the trikaranas will happen automatically.

Jaya Guru Datta! Sri Guru Datta!

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Praying Pujya Appaji to bless us with trikarana suddhi 🙏

Jai Guru Datta Appaji 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

JGD Tataji 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

JGD Appaji !! Om Namo Hanumate Namaha 🙏🏻

JGD, What was the thief's and minister's destiny in the kingdom Appaji ? The minister should have been punished in jail, what about the thief's honesty but he still committed sin... SGD

JGD Om namo Hanumate namah