Datta Maata 188: Listen to elders

in spirituality •  6 years ago 

Those who wish to achieve success in all endeavors at the earliest and those who try to overcome the naturally designed system of time either out of hastiness or with courage will face hurdles at each and every step because they are not adhering to the time that is pre-designed by God. Why is this so? We shall understand this with the help of the story of Vinatha. Sage Kashyapa had two wives - Vinatha and Kadruva. Out of them Kadruva first gave birth to 1000 Nāgas. Vinatha fought with Sage Kashyapa since she too wanted children. He said, "Do not be in haste. You will give birth to three strong sons." Despite that, she could not control her hastiness. She repeatedly asked the sage. As a result, she gave birth to an owl. She felt extremely bad. Sage Kashyapa consoled her and said, "You did not pay heed to my words. A son who would be the king of the bird species was about to be born to you. Because of your hastiness, an owl is born to you. You stay patient at least for this time. You will give birth to good twins." Vinatha once again became pregnant. After hundred years, she gave birth to two eggs. Even after the passage of another hundred years of time, no young one came out of the eggs. She kept on observing but none came out of the eggs. Unable to control her hastiness, she broke the bigger egg. A young boy with great radiance emerged from that egg. But, after observing his body, she found that the body formation has happened only till the hips. There was no body from the thigs. As soon as the boy was born, he became furious and said, "O mother! For the first time, you have already destroyed a son. Again, for the second time, you have brought me out even before my complete body was constructed. You did not listen to the words of your husband. As a result, you surely must become a servant to the one at whom you became jealous." Vinatha crying badly pleaded, "I have tormented you a lot. I do agree for this. I have done this only to see you, out of curiosity. Hence, it is adharma (non-righteous) to get angry on mother." The child who was energetic and naturally inclined towards dharma, compassionately said, "At least, protect your third child. He will free you from my curse and your slavery" Sage Kashyapa felt pity for the child and there after, he made the child as Sun's charioteer. Since he did not have thighs, he was known as "Anūra". This time, Vinatha Devi was calm and composed. After a long time, Garuthmantha, the king of the bird community was born with the energy of sage Valakilya and others. He had won over Indra, acquired nectar and freed his mother form slavery. There is a lot of story in between. Let us discuss that later.

Vinatha was a great person. Her husband Kashyapa was like a Brahma after the Brahma. He wanted to give three great souls to the world. However, he had to give only one noble soul because of hastiness of Vinatha. Those who do not pay heed to the words of elders and behave so will have to face such kind of loss. This story teaches us a good lesson. The elders say something but they get dubious over those words and do not care them at all. We see several stories from the puranas as well. They have experienced this a lot. Whatever has to happen as per nature's order, happens against it. Their desires get quite oppositely fulfilled and it creates a great problem too. Hence, we must listen to the words of the elders, give respect to them and follow them. Such behavior is good for the world.

Jaya Guru Datta!
Om Aim hrīm srīm Siva rāma Anagha Dattaya namaha.

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JGD Appaji 🙏🏻

Om Aim Hreem Sreem Siva Rama Anagha Dattaya Namaha !!

JGD Tataji 🙏🏻

JGD Tataji 🙏🏻

Jaya Guru Datta!
Om Aim hrīm srīm Siva rāma Anagha Dattaya namaha. I'm in a rush most of the time due to circumstances created by myself according to what I understand from SGS

JGD Om namo Narayanaya