Datta Maata 213: Leave excessive desires by adopting a life of contentment

in spirituality •  6 years ago 

Dharmaraja performed Rājasūya yāga in Indraprastha (story from Mahabharata) Everyone knows about Mahabharata. All the Kauravās attended this ritual upon the invitation received from Dharmaraja. Dhuryōdana became jealous of Dharamaraja's grandeur and returned back to his father and expressed his grief. Then, Dhritarastra tells Dhuryōdana, "My dear! Do you have any less wealth? However, the reason for Dharmaraja's grandeur is not his wealth. His conduct is the main reason. Those who possess good character and conduct will be blessed by Goddess of wealth, Mother Lakshmi. If you too become a person of good conduct, then you will be blessed with all kinds of treasures and grandeur."

Dhritarastra also narrated a story in this context. He continued, "You know about Prahlāda. Don't you? He is the Yogishresta (best among Yogis) He has the knowledge of all scriptures. He has the ability to rule the people by attracting them. Once, he defeated Indra and other demigods with his power of penance and adorned the position of Indra. On the other hand, Indra felt great humiliation for losing his position and hence he went to Bruhaspathi to seek the advice to get back his power. Then, Bruhaspathi suggested him to approach Bhargava. Indra went to him. Bhargava advised Indra to ask Prahlāda himself and find out how he acquired the energy to capture the position of Indra. Indra, then went to Prahlāda in the guise of a brahmin and served him. Gradually, he pleased Prahlāda with his services. After some days, Prahlāda questioned why Indra was serving him. The disguised Indra humbly asked how Prahlāda had become the king of the three worlds. Prahlāda said, "This is no secret. I never become egoistic just because I am the king. I am ever cautious and I never hurt anyone. I keep jealousy, rage and hatred at bay. I give in charity whatever I can and live with the rest, out of contentment. Along with all these, because of the merit from previous births, I have a good character that is lauded by everyone. That is why, I have got this position called Indra." Indra humbly prayed, "Since your mind is towards charity, bestow me the greatest of your virtues i.e good conduct to me" Indra targeted the rootcause! Prahlāda worried a bit in the very beginning but he was dispassionate towards power and pleasures. Emperor Prahlāda was a Virāgi (one who has dispassion). Hence, he gave his position, the power to rule the three worlds to the disguised Indra. Thus, Indra returned back happily as the king of three worlds. After Indra left, Maha Purusha, a person with great radiance came out of Prahlāda's body. Prahlāda then asked who he was. That person replied that he was "character" and since he gave away his character to the brahmin in charity, he will leave Prahlāda and go away. Thus, he left. After that form, many others came out of Prahlāda one after the other. The first one said that he was "Satya (The Truth)" and that he cannot live without character. So, he left to the place where character had gone. The second one was "Truthful conduct".Saying that he would not live without truth, he left the place. The third form, coming out of Prahlāda said that it is strength and that it will go with truthful conduct as support. Finally, a very beautiful lady came out of Prahlāda and said that she was "Lakshmi" and that she would live only in those who possess good character, adhere to truth and truthful conduct. She said to Prahlāda, "The one, who served you, lured you with his manipulative skills and took away your conduct is none other than Indra. The qualities like truth and other virtues follow the good character and hence even I am leaving." Thus, Indra acquired his position back. Also, he continued to protect his position by adhering to good character. You too must possess good character and live with all wealth and treasures." These were the words of blessing by Dhritarastra to Duryodhana.

With this story, we must understand how important it is to possess a good character. One must have compassion on all beings. One must not cheat anyone, instead try to offer any possible help and leave excessive desires by adopting a life of contentment. Everyone must try to cultivate such a kind of behaviour. A good character is very important.

Jaya Guru Datta!

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Om Dram Dattaya Namaha !!


Shivaya Gurave Namaha🙏🌺🌸🌼🌹

Shivaya Rudraya Namaha!

JGD Om namo Narayanaya