Datta Maata 218: We must listen to the words of elders

in spirituality •  7 years ago 

Follow the words of elders! We have discussed that the birds that were found in Kurukshetra are being brought up in the hermitage of sage Shamīka. After growing up for several years, Sage Shamīka wanted to set those birds free although he did not like to leave them. He ordered his disciples to set them free. They followed his order. The birds after flying freely for a while came back to the feet of Shamīka and sadly said, "O sage! You are mahātma, a noble soul. We do not know about our father. Our mother died exactly on the day of our birth. You have nourished us being both mother and father. We are greatly indebted to you. Kindly tell us some service that we can render to you. Then, Shamīka said, "O Birds! Listening to your words is a surprise to me. I am very happy too. First of all, tell me how you are able to speak, being birds." They then narrated their story thus, "O sage! We, in our previous births, were the sons of sage Shukrushu. In that birth, we had served our father very well. One day, because of our misfortune, Indra came to our father in the form of a bird and said, "O sage! I am extremely hungry. Kindly provide food to me and save me." Our father said, "I will certainly provide food and protect you. Tell me, which food do you wish to eat?" The disguised Indra replied, "I eat the flesh of humans. I do not eat anything except that. So, kindly provide me that." Our father, who did not know to break a promise, called all four of us. We stood in front of him humbly with folded hands. With a heavy heart, he said, "Dear sons, I have promised this bird that I would feed it. This has requested for the flesh of humans. Hence, abiding by my order, satiate it's hunger by giving your flesh and satisfy it's thirstiness by giving your blood. Serve the guest and earn merit." We shivered listening to those words. We did not have enough courage to give our flesh. So, we said to our father, "Dear father! No scripture mentions that one has to sacrifice one's body for others. Moreover, they say that the body must be protected at all times. Hence, we cannot give our flesh." Then, our father became extremely furious. He said, "If you had done what was told by me, good would have bestowed on you. But, you did not do so. You have declined my order. Hence, may you all be born as birds in your future births." Thus, he cursed us. He then performed ancestral rites for himself and said to the bird (Indra), " O bird! My sons have not agreed to my words. Hence, I am offering my body to you. I am jumping into this fire using Yogic power. After I give up my life, you can eat my flesh happily." Saying so, he was about to jump in the Yogic fire. Meanwhile, Indra appeared to our father in his real form and warned him not to give up his life. He bestowed my father with Indra Jnāna (knowledge). Thus, we are born as birds because of not abiding to the words of elders. However, because of the power of our father's boon, we are available to talk even in this birth. Moreover, the Vedas and scriptures that we have studied in our previous birth are still in our memory."

Thus, the birds narrated their story to sage Shamīka. This story not only tells us not to cross the words of our elders but also tells us about the good results of serving the guests. Dear devotees! All of us must respect the words of the elders. Serve the guests reverentially and try to make this life fruitful. We do not know it's important today. We don't realize it's value. We should not think that things like this happen only in a story and not to us. We see some situations happening right here in this Kali Yuga and we also experience the fruits thereafter very soon. We have thought that this happens only after several births. Just like good happens, even bad reverts back to us. Do we need this (the bad)? To get rid of such sins, we must listen to the words of elders. It is extremely important.

Jaya Guru Datta! Sri Guru Datta!

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