Vanara Gita 66: Only saintly persons accept mistakes easily

in spirituality •  7 years ago 

Vanara Gita 66: Only saintly persons accept mistakes easily
Only some people accept their mistakes. Most of them refuse to accept their mistakes.

The person, who has lost the object, loses on both counts. The object is lost and on top of it he has to hear a lot of unnecessary harsh statements from the person who has caused the damage. At last, he will decide to simply keep quiet.

Mahatmas simply accept mistakes and seek forgiveness. This is a small, yet profound difference that exists between Mahatmas and petty minded persons. Thus, a very small percentage of persons accept their mistakes although it is natural for every person to commit mistakes. A great majority of people deny them.

Gomukha is a great person who acknowledges that he commits not one, but hundreds of mistakes every day and seeks forgiveness from the Lord. He states that he commits limitless mental mistakes and towards them too he seeks forgiveness.

Great persons, even if they have not committed mistakes will pray, “O great Lord! It is natural that everyone commits mistakes. I do not know the list of all the mistakes that I have committed in each and every birth of mine. This birth in which I have been blessed with wisdom is a very sacred one. Please forgive all my mistakes committed across various births O Lord. Mentally I commit sins every second of my life. Please be compassionate and save me. I have no clue about the mistakes that I commit. When I breathe in, I take in so many germs (krimi). When walking on the ground, I step upon so many ants and insects, thereby injuring and killing them. Treating me as your servant, please forgive me for my mistakes and sins”.

Servants commit mistakes. The Lord, the supreme master, forgives them. Here it is important to note that the prayer is offered with feelings of humility from servant to master. What a great teaching is hidden within this prayer made by Gomukha!

Life is as short-lived as a water bubble. No life is permanent. Results of fruitive action (karma phala) have to be mandatorily experienced, irrespective of whether a mistake is committed knowingly or unknowingly. A person who performs good deeds acquires good merit (punya). The person who commits sins accumulates sins and suffers. The result is visible then and there.

Only the list of sins and merits (paapa-punya) accompany a living being on its onward journey after death! Have you ever heard of anyone taking with them their property and house after death? Everyone leaves this earth penniless. What can the being, who has to leave behind even his body on this earth, take with him? He will take only his share of virtues and sins.

Om Namo Hanumate Namah

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Jai Hanuman 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Om Namo Hanumate Namaha !

Om Namo Hanumate Namaha 🙏🏻

Om Namo Hanumate Namaha 🌺🌺🌺

JGD Om namo Narayanaya


Om Namo Hanumate Namah