May Love Save Us From The Dust

in spirituality •  6 years ago 

We Are All Sunflowers At Heart

You're left in the dust / Unless I stuck by ya / You're a sunflower

A Monograph

Once you teach the body that it doesn’t need food and you just give it enough to prevent it from grinding to a halt (keeping it in hibernation mode), it will last forever without needing to eat much at all. Okay, not forever, and also not for years; it will peter out gradually; although Inedians will disagree. But there aren’t any points for perseverance going out to anorexics†, in any case. The body is very servile, as your mother-father unit (the DNA library for Akashic Record Downloads).

There are many illnesses that point to how we are collectively robbing our body of its natural inclination to help us grown stronger as human beings. We have forgotten we are Word children made out of Love. This becomes no small logistical problem upon further reflection. How are we going to carry your Self over after death? Through Steemit? In solitary confinement? Trapped in a dungeon, a cellar, a tunnel, or otherwise hiding in the caves and clinging to the mountain-sides still available in our machine world?

Illness and defect as regulatory measure

As I am grateful to Autism, as numbered in the DSM (Diagnostics and Statistics Manual), I am grateful to Pedophilia. In Spiritual Sciene, we see any deficiencies (not necessarily handicaps) and subsequent behaviours, to be Man’s valiant attempts to highlight the collective impediments to a new and improved Mankind. The spirit-souls who volunteer§ to carry any innate deformity or psychiatric disorder deserve medals. But that’s where my praise ends.

You don’t get something, be it a cold, Aids or a severe mental distortion to make do with it as best you can just because of a script error Nature made. There is no point getting an instant fix (whack-it-on-the-head medical prescription), either. You have to ponder it a bit and enter into a dialogue with it; which will be easier done for the flu generally well catered to with elderflower tea, lemon wraps, and chicken soup, than perhaps for FES or dementia. The idea is to understand your condition and suffer its terms. You set to work on it. If the patient herself lacks the consciousness to do this (as for Dementia and vegetative IQ) there have to be witnesses. We must all be nurses to eachother and be willing to bear the pain.

Clearly the most pressing matter at hand, yet, is how little we are prepared to work on this together, lending eachother a helping hand.

Where possible you can try to cure disease, and there are many different teams around any given ailment or deformity helping to look into that. Interconnecting professions but also independent institutions (mammas and pappas, monks, artists) and underground systems (abiding their time), as well as the focal point of patient, sufferer, potential victim and innocent bystanders. There is a very broad intersection where healing and causation of illness meet to battle it out. in the day-to-day arena of commerce and justice.

This infrastructure around the un-human state of being is becoming apparent, very, very marginally to the souls fed up with unnecessary waste, pollution and zombie states. Illness/abnormality, deficiency, impairment, imbalace exists for our Consciousness to gather data on the condition of the problem, the impediment to be getting “better” and being well, i.e. good at being human. In all cases, the condition must be suffered (the so called Golgotha theme where the Passion of suffering, illustrates how one can only undergo what has to be). It is pointless constantly preventing and protecting for nothing to be aside our own will. Whose Will? Trump’s, Putin’s, Kim Jong Un’s, Xi Jinping, your local representative? David Wolfe? Teal Swann? Eckhart Tolle? Or your variation of them?). This Will of yours has far to travel, yet, my friends. Mark well.

Planning our route

We must certainly emphasise the MAL of the malady, but we then also need to understand the RE of remedy. Where does the balance lie?

Economy is a sister of Philosophy; and Psychiatry is their daughter. I love to hate the DSM. I love how it lists the last hope for Mankind: spelling out the riddles that must be solved. I hate how emotion gets in the way of seeing how any soul afflicted by a mal-alignment is serving Mankind. We must separate the illness from the person in order to better care on a personal basis and really begin to address the permanent state of soul, which will only find new ways to express her discontent when otherwise ignored.

The unrecognised fact which is the bane of our modern world is that we will only be able to heal half the problems we suffer from if we examine them in the light of spiritual reality.

Women must take the lead in this

It might sound like a great step forward to censor “abnormalities”. Absolutely, we must promote the integration of all that is out of the ordinary, or falls outside the norms and expectations of any particular culture, to create a homogenous hotchpotch over our planet of one human race. But there is a downside if one goes about this too swiftly or vigorously without the right understanding.

There is an urgency but it cannot make for a hasty job. We are not here to solve the problems and then live on twiddling our thumbs. As we mature, we know only too well we cannot hope to avoid the stings of life always, 100% guaranteed. Women are better prepared for this inevitable bio-rhytmic sway than men, by nature, with the moon pushing them off balance every month. They have to go with the flow of conditions not human, but necessary for the maintenance of life.

For sure, to come to the attention of our blasé sensory perception, the disorders will have to become ever more extreme. The “normal” conditions are varied; the spectrum stretches from the common cold, through dwarfism, blindness, homosexuality, to Down’s Syndrome and addictive personality. Unthinkable to modern medical analysis to put any of these aforementioned in the same sentence for compare!

I intend to suggest that a syndrome and an orientation can stand right next to a genetic defect, a viral attack, or degenerative defect in the category of spiritual mal-alignment to the human-being as a self-ruling hierarchy in the order of Cosmic Consciousness.

Clearly, before some of you get your knickers in a twist about some weird concatenations here, not every "alternate alignment "needs correction. Leave the deaf to be deaf (give them their own language), celebrate the gays, and nobody makes better brownies than the Downies (as they call themselves) in my local tea shop. I merely suggest we observe what simply is and how we all feel about it for clues to our spiritual nature.

Bearing power

It is not wise to normalise or minimise any abnormality before you can live with it in a balanced fashion, causing others no malignant harm. A little convenience to us all is not a problem, we need it. But clearly we must also step up to eradicate certain disorders. For example, to mention a topic I am studying in relation to the Ancient Greek civilisation, we no longer can allow pedophilia to have an - integral, as for Ancient Greek society if highly modified - part in our society, but we are beginning to try and understand where the deviation really lies, which I find an optimistic step towards a discovery of our spirtual nature - were it not that we are more interested in condemning the disorder than valuing the information that lies at its root.

It is valuable to understand that the “sick pedo” is only using what has always been a hurdle to us despite our inclination for curious and ever self-corrective investigation of our human condition. For a want of more sophisticated support networks, our development tends to strand at an early stage of discovery, which proves sufficient to keep the tribal level turning over comfortably. This is nice work if you can get it, especially in interim phases of significant shifts going on alongside our human plight. (The Cosmos is a busy place with much going on over our heads.)

Where is all goes pear-shaped into perverse decline rapidly, every day faster and faster with the momentum of internet only adding onto the direction in which we are already racing out of control, is down predominantly to a lack of belief in Womankind. It is little understood, if at all, that she has the role to hold sacred the (Sophia-wisdom) knowledge of the making of the Love that can heal Mankind.

I care neither here nor there for your personal preferences and habitual needs. Go for it. The criminal and moral sides to our predelictions are not in question here. However, from a spiritual perspective, as long as we live on pornography and prostitution woman will stand no chance to restore wisdom to our being.

We hardly would know anymore what to do without the substitutes for real love. Our superficial tastes which are easy to satisfy on a nerve-sensory level are troubling symptoms of our Common Distress. It seems we prefer to suffer the negatives of our primitive understanding of the purpose of sexual intimacy rather than face the real problem of how to know ourselves. It is seriously problematic (all the innocuous bits of fun aside) that this way of applying our will/want/need in artificial ways has become fairly well integrated as acceptable to the human condition. This is not a recent development, but we are now being asked to look into it, hence the intensified perverse symptoms of this lack of wisdom. Our technological advancement has not caused this increased tendency but allows us to recognise it better by the sheer fact of quantity which is quickly registered by the hoarding eye-consciousness. May we help to let this stand in the light of I-consciousness and be done with it soon. Otherwise womankind will stand no chance to restore wisdom to our being.

Let’s not depend on the Love of/for God

When you say God loves us, I don’t hear you getting God’s nature very much. I hear a little child whimpering with fever, lonely and lost in her sick bed. The sense of being inspired or endorsed by a specifically divine nature has developed our propensity to care and share and shelter and nourish; this we have in common with the principle that rules higher animal nature. It is a very valid state of soul to be in, we might find elevated in Man as compassion. This is a powerful consoler and soother. The world of Man has no chance of next level Love without it.

I, too, am only human, so I will drive for hours to come and mop your brow if you need me to; I am under contract by my human nature to act with compassion, on a mundane basis employed to keep the team fit enough to drag us out of this misery we pretend is a joy to live. But I don’t think it is enough, and I think we are missing much of the Truth and Beauty and Wisdom that is our Real Potential.

When will we be happy? When we have the money and the cups and the inches to secure little love?

Be Curious

What is that with the inches thing anyway? Why has it become such a prominent matter to consider for almost anyone, if only to ignore it thereafter?

I see it like another aspect of our failure to understand Womanhood, the key to our spiritual sexuality and our Human Love. Lamentably it has been allowed to set into normalcy, with considerable reach into many aspects of our daily (commercial/social) life. (Sex sells, after all.) The focus on our physical and mental sexuality has been upvoted so frequently, that it is trending. It makes for very accessible matter for curiosity to play with.

I comes under the tag of “what makes us human” as posted by a very infantile and delayed-developmental consciousness. It may unnerve you to see how wide-spread and all-pervading such a consciousness is. It was not better in the “olden days” nor is over-exposure to these ideas caused by the Web; the copied behaviours, however, are imprinting this operational code ever more irreversibly in our physical matter. The body is starting to respond and request perversities through all levels of mankind.

Very obviously, the penis is the first tool an unsuspecting soul in an innocent baby boy discovers at his disposition. Man is a curious creature. The Human Body has many tools at its disposition which are there to aid him to explore the essence of his being. I have to pull down a spoiler here to continue the exposition successfully: the essence is a spirtual one and all the other tools (organs, hormones, senses, digestive system, circulatory-respiratory system etc) will only start to do anything for you if you apply your curiosity.

It’s okay to start off by exploring the most obvious uses of any given tool (the stomach needs to feel satiated, the bladder to be relieved, all quiet unconsciously in the baby, until the details of by whom, what, and when kick in). Alas, sadly due to our atrociously neglectful education explained in a former post somewhere, the curiosity is seldom stimulated beyond appetite and self-gratification. Once having found a comfortable setting for the tool, we relax into our habitual mode, also programmed, you see, to be cost efficient, which can even amount to a life of hamburgers and one-night stands for all the body cares.

Stay dedicated

Where such a dulled and routine mind, notwithstanding, remains resltess we will start to find deterioration and a lack of pure human qualtity in the tools. They become blunt and dirty. Man must make a continued effort to keep his tools clean and ever ready for the Work. Specifically, still readable from the religious texts in the Middle- and Far-East is this aim to instill the primary value of sanitory conditions for our advance through daily practices of discipline and hygiene. They mean to remind us that we must start off committed to the the human incarnation.

The good news is, I feel the spirit-soul is still actively engaged in the collective effort to correct our misapprehensions. Small efforts can be detected even here on Steemit.

The greater strides and firmer stands are yet to become more apparent.
It would help if we women started to rever our father-mother body as being in service to a spiritual Self. She can best tap into the limited benefits to be had, ultimately, from her man-made mind. She could decide that she won’t be giving herself to the cause of personal gratification (be it mutual or not).

I have yet to hear women on a larger scale break that one down to a simple algorithm to hand their daughters. How many mothers tell their girls the only right sexual encounters to have is when one soul meets another and they can find enough connector points in their body to make every aspect of your personal being intimate, to form a hub of Humanness or where there is no interference with the reality of the I AM THAT I AM. This is to create a generator of spiritual energy which can supply man with a new self-knowledge. This is the stuff of the mature; and why we must move away again from finding it natural and therefore “good” that people have sex too young, too randomly and too semi-consciously. This is not to suggest prohibition or new rules. But to encourage us to find a new sensitivity that gravitates that way.

I think the true power of women in this way lies.

Only when women lead in this will men more easily follow. Their souls are more hard-wired by nature to the body (more deeply incarnate, hence more physical, hence the need for more sporting activities, incl the hunt that is libido). They will have to reinvent themselves if they are not to violate half the human race.

Another side line to this is how homosexuality has some part to play here, adjusting the Consciousness perception by a compressed exploration of sexuality and manhood. And so this exposition of who we really are and how we need to be ill and veer from the idea of perfect man could go on for days and days, or one and a half years….


‡ Anorexia is a serious psychiatric disorder, which must be taken seriously in all its varying degrees, and no mockery of any patients thus diagnosed is intended here. The tendency in certain places (on the net specifically) to appreciate or even admire the tenacity and mind-set of anorexics is a socio-pathology that needs to be knocked on the head, however.

§ All incarnation in this premise is chosen to the best of one’s consciousness abilities. We do not all spawn from the same cluster (soul group) and there are still noticeable discrepancies in our development regards the potential for Consciousness. But tadpoles grow up eventually, and frogs evolved onto dry land in the end.... We have to give ourselves a chance.

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I am just beginning to read your article, upvoted first because I know I will hang on every one of your words (although it's clear I have no voting power) and I come to this, *... there have to be witnesses. We must all be nurses to each other and be willing to bear the pain." JUST TWO MINUTES BEFORE I WROTE YOU A RESPONSE OF HOW WE NEED A WITNESS! All caps because once again we're on the same line and I still feel it amazing :)

Hamburgers and one night stands--they call them hook-up's and I had a student write a paper about the McDonald's sex culture.
I do like what you've written here in regards to talking with our kids about what a spiritual encounter looks/feels like rather than the porn they see in all of their feeds.