Making Bags for Spiritual Work

in spirituality •  7 years ago 

A common item for spiritual practitioners all over the world are bags that draw in, create or harmonize energy. European Pagans have spell bags, African based cultures have mojo or conjure bags and Native Americans have personal medicine bags. Other cultures have other versions but these are the most common bags you will encounter in southern folk magic and since I am writing this from the sunny state of Florida, I will stick with these. Now keep in mind that this is all vary basic information and I do not claim to be an expert in any of this. I wrote this to provide a basic understanding of the types of bags and provide a starting point for those who are interested. Most of these traditions where passed down by spoken history so there is many variations out there, the most helpful thing you can do is experiment and learn what works best for YOU.

A spell bag is basically just that, a spell in a bag. These are designed to draw in specific energy for a sole purpose such as a protection spell that can be hung on a door knob or carried on your person. They will usually contain herbs, oils and charms that corresponds to the spell being performed. They can be charged, used, recharged and reused as many times as the bag physically holds up. Charging can include prayer, candle smoke and incense. Unlike bags from other traditions, spell bags do not need to be hidden and the contents are not secretive.

Mojo bags on the other hand are supposed to be out of view and if anyone sees the contents, they lose power. This belief seems to be heavily dependent on the practitioner since these traditions are based in a much different time. Like spell bags, Mojo bags are typically designed to draw in specific energy or spirits for a sole purpose such as luck, protection or love and should be charged with prayer, candle smoke and incense. The main difference is that these bags must be worn to work with YOUR energy and must be fed offerings for spirits. They are usually made from flannel and contain an odd number of items. These items may include herbs, oils, charms, crystals, bones, coins and petition papers.

The style I am most drawn to is the Native American version. The personal medicine bag was to maintain personal harmony and represent the owners personal spiritual life. The contents are constantly evolving which provides a personal history of the wearers life. The contents of these bags should contain at least one of each from 4 categories or 'kingdoms' (plant, animal, mineral and human). Typically this would include herbs, roots, lock of fur, animal bones, crystals, dirt, charms and photos. Other people are not supposed to see the contents of the bag and it should not touch the ground. Construction of the medicine bag typically involved prayers, rituals, a personal sacrifice such as fasting, or even vision quests depending on the varying cultures that make/made them.

I hope this provided some useful information to get you started in bag making and not just rambling gibberish. I personally don't follow any instruction manuals when forming a bag. As with any spiritual work, I have a clear intention when I start and I put that intention into the work. The rest is just intuition or spiritual guidance, but always with a clear focus on the intent. Thank you for reading and goodluck on your journeys.

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