Redirecting Hurricane Irma With Our Intentions and Thoughts - Atmokinesis - You ARE the Weather(wo)man!

in spirituality •  7 years ago  (edited)

This may sound 'impossible' to you - but I thrive on impossible and I've lost count of the amount of times I have thought that something was impossible and then lived through the experience of learning that it is not impossible at all...

Using consciousness to affect the weather is something I first learned about from reading others' testimony, both from tribal lore and also then just from 'every day people on youtube' in the present day. A few years ago, the largest weather formation of the day was threatening Australia and I decided to use my considerable focus and intent to see if I could co-create and choose a reality where the weather pattern changed direction.. Within 10 minutes my friend in Australia told me that the weather pattern had radically changed direction unexpectedly!

If I had not had even more amazing experiences prior to this I would have been shocked, but by that point such things had become something similar to 'normal' - although I was very glad to see the results.

I appreciate that to most people reading this, I might sound like a fantasist who has watched too many superman movies, but all I can say is that everything I have written here is the truth and I would like to find out if we can collectively prevent the impending 'category 5' formation from doing massive damage to America.



Here's a quick video reference showing the changing of local weather with intention -

How to manifest changes in weather patterns through will

This is not something I do regularly at all, so I am not the world's leading expert by any means.. However, the idea is to understand, first and foremost, that everything in the universe is both connected AND ONE! The oneness of everything means that although we are having individual experiences and typically that includes the sensation of being 'separate' from other things, the absolute reality is that there is only one vibrating energy field and it is within that field that we experience physical reality. That field is also US!

With that being understood, it is now possible to totally reverse the 'normal' perception of reality and instead of thinking 'how can it be possible to change the weather from thoughts and emotions?', now it is more natural to think 'why am I not already moving and changing weather patterns deliberately, since I am literally one with the weather?'. The answer to that 2nd question appears to mainly be: 'because collectively we simply don't accept that we can do such things'!

In my previous experience I became emotionally expressive because of the impending threat to large amounts of animal and human life that didn't want to die in the massive weather formation. I had the sense of temporarily being elevated to a superconscious state whereby I could feel the intentions of large numbers of beings and sent out a collective signal/thoughtform to promote the idea of unifying in a shared and heartfelt intention to redirect the weather system away from land. I am pretty certain that the more people that consciously engage in this kind of thinking, the more we will be able to manifest a balanced weather profile for the Earth.

We don't need to rely on 'weathermen' - we ARE the weather (people). ;)

It would be really helpful if you want to protect the American land, people and animals from the giant weather formation that threatens them right now - if you would deeply breathe, clear your thoughts, feel into the situation as deeply as you can and set your heart's intention for the outcome here to be the best possible. After that you can just release the intention and allow it to take form.


Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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I experienced this human ability at the recent solar eclipse festival I attended. Multiple times, large storm cloud formations would rapidly approach the grounds, only to split in two and divert around the camping area and entirely dissipate. I personally felt like I contributed to this because I spent time meditating on peace and clear skies during these storm clouds' approach. The Native American tribes that were present at the event had numerous medicine men among them who reportedly also focused on the weather. It was amazing to see clouds literally vanish within minutes of threatening to storm.

@Ura-soul, as usual, your post has top notch writing and perspective. Infinite love to you my brother! :)

Thanks for the support and kind words :)
I appreciate your appreciation as I also appreciate the quality of your work, thoughts and intentions too - much love right back. <3

Excellent! Yes, the tribes typically have a strong connection to the elements - I would have liked to have experienced that too. :)
Eventually these kinds of things will be well documented on video and exciting changes will be triggered.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Irma, please go back to the Ocean...go find Nemo!
I hope everyone gonna be's so terrifying! Sending positive vibes! When i first heard the news i looked at windy(dot)tv and it showed that it is not gonna go to teh land...but now it shows that it will...i hope it will change again and it will go back

The 'News' today shows a change in path in the last few hours, so that the worst of the weather will probably not hit the main islands.. The change must continue as it has begun for the entire system to miss all major land masses.

That's something...hopefully it will change its path entirely

Love this article and will participate in creating intention and pooling our superhuman powers for good. I have witnessed the ability of positive thoughts, attention, and visualization to change my life's trajectory, so I have no doubt that a collective movement could make a greater impact and change the weather.

Unfortunately, in the same line of thinking, the negative press and focus on the storm has the ability to draw it towards the people who think on it with dread. It's a delicate balance.

Excellent! The magnetic aspect in this is key and that is the feeling / emotional aspects. Energy in motion.
The heart is that which has the power to change destinies and those who do not understand manifestation and thus typically focus in unhelpful ways, also lack the heart coherence to have a strong effect. The energy systems of the planet can be more easily swayed with love than with ignorance!

Hmmm...interesting. So, I'll be using my consciousness to affect the path of Irma, too --away from the Yucatan Peninsula, which is where I live. ;-)

Very good! I have been to the yucatan peninsula for a visit many years ago. There are, I am sure, a lot of self empowered manifestors of reality in that region, so you are in good spiritual company there!
I am holding the intention for a minimisation of harm to be done by 'irma' rather than directing it anywhere in particular - I find that the less 'rules' and 'demands' that are made, the better.

It makes sense now. By the way, I see that you're a vegan. I've scratched out beef and pork from my diet and I wish I could do away with chicken and fish, but I wish I could find a veggie or cereal with a similar fish texture but so far...nada. Another issue is that most recipes call for really odd ingredients and here in the Yucatan I can't even find tofu. Do you have simple recipes other than just green salads? Maybe you could do a post and share your wisdom. Thanks.

Sure, no problem. One thing about being vegan is that really it is a plant based diet, so it is necessary to learn about the plant foods and not get caught up with trying to replicate the non plant foods using plant ingredients. That said, it is possible to get vegan equivalents of just about every non plant-based food now. Most of the 'meat/fish' substitutes I have seen use some kind of soya based recipe and some of them are very close to the originals - but I can't recommend much to you as I think you will have different products available to you where you are there.

My advice is to explore and experiment with recipes designed by good vegan chefs as they are typically inspiring and based on a good understanding of the possibilities and pros/cons of different ingredients. There are lots of indian recipes that are vegan friendly and so that can also be a good source of inspiration.

Generally, it's best to eat as raw as possible - so it's tough to move away from salads and such vegetation - although I get around that to some extent by making smoothies that keep me charged/full and which are high in nutritional value. There are lots of recipes for smoothies on Steemit and a few in my blog list. There are also many great vegan chefs here too... such as: @vegetarianbaker ;)

Great! Thanks for the tips! 👍 😊 👍

cool idea, but i mean the dude dispersing the clouds, that could of happend either way you kno what im saying, like clouds do move pretty quickly, not saying its not possible it prob is, but still have small doubts.. but maybe even my self have done this, hard to say, ino light posts will turn on and off around me so there is deffo more to life then we kno..

There are many videos of people doing this - but the best experience is from you doing it yourself. I have also experienced lamp posts turning off as I walk under them - I understand that to be in moments where my aura is expanded so that it affects the sensors on the light - or at least that is the only attempt at explaining the phenomena using 'physics' that I have come across. ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

yea a street lamp interfere. gl;ad to finally meet someone else like it, do the lights somtimes turn on around you also, or go dim then light up when you go under, yea i dont think physics comes into play here, ive affected, whole rows of lights before over hundred meters long, was kinda scary actually

In my own case, I simply took it as a reflection of the fact that everything is one and that i am not 'in a reality', but 'reality is in me' ;)

i haven't seen this occur for me for many years, but where i live at the moment here aren't any street lights - so there isn't much opportunity for me to see it. the last time it occurred, the lights were going off completely at the exact moment i walked under them.

i think its a case of both, reality is outside as energy , but its in us as we interpret it on a individual scale , we ovbs cant interpret everything , as in cant see sound, gamma waves ect , so reality is in us as we create it, but were not creating the full reality, cos we cant sense/interpret it ...

yea cool sometimes , they turn on the moment i walk under them, sometimes i take the turn off as a bad sign haha i dunno just weird shit i guess,,odd there are no street lights haha maybe go for a drive see if any happen, it happens when you drive also right? do other electronics fk up around you also haha?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

what i am saying that is that we are all one with everything and thus we are also the universe - so really, yes, everything is inside of us. it is possible to extend senses to perceive vibrations that are outside of the limited spectrum typically available to human beings 'by default'.

i don't drive now and don't often have any reason to go into areas with street lights at night - but i do know that when the lights turned off as i walked under them, it was not a common experience and only occurred a small number of times. I did though experience that my car headlights would turn off in an old car I had when I drove over a particular small river!

I work with computers and music studio equipment a lot and have had a few experiences of very unusual behavior with them - which some would call 'paranormal' - though, again, that hasn't really occurred for a long time. I focused for years into healing and balancing myself on all levels, so it is possible that my increased balance has stopped such 'weirdness'. ;)

yea i hear you bro, we are part of the cosmos, but yea each to there own, i still think our experience is very limited tho , to whats really out there..

true no driving, i feel sorry for you driving is awsome , speco in a nice car :) , true true, happens to me nearly every day, and i can pick the lights that will do it, cos generally they are the same ones haha,. when i travel north to qld tho some of those lights will also do it..

hahaha yea i hear ya, sometimes i turn radio up with the spin dial and it will actually turn down and many other things haha :) , true true thats cool man, personally when the weird things stop happening, i think ive nearly lost my power haha and want it to happen in a strange way, but yea good chat bro, never talked to another sli person hehe

I'm with you. I know that our intentions can affect profound change. Thanks for putting the idea out there for all to see!! Great post :)

This post received a 4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ura-soul! For more information, click here!

I was thinking that was possible. Sending safe and happy thoughts to Florida. Upvoting and following

Very cool article. If it's possible, I would like to experience this some time.
If you want to get everybody together for a meditation on hangouts, that would work for me. I'm very open to this experience. It would be fun to see what we could do in the future, for the next big ONE.

In principle I like that idea, but the only time I have ever participated in that, the group was massively targeted by nefarious individuals and it wasn't much fun. I currently prefer to just have a loosely knit, but directed group intention where there is no control of any kind.

Great post.. Just keep up sharing.

IF you not willing stay in these phony solutions...wake up into climate change danger and fight it , because time is running more hogueprophecy . com what are possibilities on horizont if we mess this Pearl Harbor moment. Fires on West, floods and storms on south and eartquakes next across the America.

connecting consciously to the elements of earth does not preclude cleaning up the environment too.

On it!!!...Upvoted and ReSteemed!!!...Cheers @ura-soul!!!....<3 <3 <3

This post has received a 5.73 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.