in spiritualitysunday •  7 years ago 

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This formula is simple and straight. By formula, I mean a plan of action, a helpful rule; in mathematics a formula is often expressed in symbols. The formula in this context is for discovering the God-given endowments and potentials you carry; it entails getting involved at all times and putting your energy into active use. Form the holy habit of looking around you to identify heart-breaking problems of God’s people and applying your senses to solve them.

God in His unequalled love for His people often provides the needed man-power and tools for eliminating human sufferings and meeting needs in the community of believers. The Holy Spirit who indwells individuals in the Christian community and families often injects into different persons special abilities and giftedness for survival and for the fulfillment of God’s purpose (John 14:26;1Corinthians 12:7). He energizes the recipients for gracious deeds and helpful works that bring glory to God (Ephesians 2:10;Colossians 1:29). Those so gifted express their content by sincere commitment and dedication to any tasks that demand attention within the community (Colossians 3:23,24).

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The community of God’s people and every family of believers do not lack in all the essential skills and tools for finishing God-given tasks and making progress. It takes commitment and diligence to discover the hidden endowments (gifts, talents and potentials) which can be harnessed and sharpened through honest involvement in meeting the urgent needs of God’s people. Thus, potentials are released and unique gifts and talents identified and meaningfully utilized through the avenue of care, concern and services.

The Lord gave Moses the assignment to construct a tabernacle as a place where He (God) can freely meet with His people. Perhaps that was to save the aging Moses the sweat and trouble of frequently climbing Mount Sinai to receive divine instructions. Moreover, it principally met the dearest concern of God in Scripture (Exodus 6:6-8). In this God-given task, Moses was not abandoned to lonesome brainstorming and think-tank corner but was adequately supported by God. God made the people willing to generously give for tabernacle construction (Exodus 35:20-29). Again, some selected few were endowed with gifts, talents and craftsmanship through the power of the Holy Spirit (Exodus 35:30-35; 36:8,35). The gifts and talents received were sharpened as these gifted persons showed unequalled willingness and dedication to put their gifts into relevant use to the glory of God. Bezalel, son of Uri from the tribe of Judah and Oholiab, son of Ahisamach from the tribe of Dan took the lead in doing all kinds of work as craftsmen, designers, embroiderers and to provide artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze. Every community of God’s people, as long as they delight in doing God’s will, does not lack all they needed to make amazing accomplishments for God.

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Hard work and honest concern for the hurting people are the entry points into the harvest field of God’s gifts, talents and potentials. When you see grimaces of worry in human faces and tears in the eyes of suffering people in the dungeon of pain, poverty, and scarcity do not delay to put into use any idea, energy, answer and help that is within your reach. Do not be reluctant to do what your strength and ability is capable of achieving at the moment (Matthew 25:34-40).

It will surprise you that the more you apply your strength to provide solution the more strength and ability miraculously erupt in you to add to your effort. Step by step your special gifts, talents and abilities make noticeable appearance, enabling you to experience lift and greater performance. That is what it takes to release one’s potentials and sharpen one’s talents; it is the shortest formula.

Robert H. Schuller in his book, “Tough times never last, but tough people do” remarks that, the secret of success is to find a need and fill it. He further warned that people who never take a chance (risk) never get ahead.

Determining to be a problem-solver wherever you are is the shortest formula for identifying and discovering your endowments (i.e gifts, special abilities, talents and potentials) and developing them to advantage and fruitfulness.

Remain Blessed; Happy Sunday!


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"Shortest formula" and a Lengthy well packed post to illustrate. What an irony. Lol. This is my take home Sha...

Determining to be a problem-solver wherever you are is the shortest formula for identifying and discovering your endowment

Lol. Thanks for your feedback.