Conversations With Sasquatch - Pt 3|Message To Humanity

in spiritualsasquatch •  7 years ago  (edited)

🌎 This video narration features ~ SunBôw TrueBrother ~ SunBôw received and transcribed these messages from an Elder Sasquatch named Kamooh in 2015 while in British Columbia, Canada. The Sasquatch People asked him to disseminate the information as it is a message to the world for us each to do our part to save Earth and the human race!

SunBôw was born in Montreal, in a French Canadian family with Métis ancestry. In the last three and a half decades, he has traveled in 20 countries of the Americas and Western Europe. He was blessed to sit and learn, receive teachings and take part in ceremonies, with many Elders from several Native Nations.

📽 This is part 3 of a multi-part series. Linked below are other recent installments - Please visit my Blog for future segments as they become available -


Part One


Part Two


Part Four

🌈 More information about this wonderful body of work!

Read the book, available through Amazon - Paperback Aug 15 2016|The Sasquatch Message to Humanity: Conversation with Elder Kamooh by SunBôw TrueBrother -

Visit SunBôw's website

And check out his official YouTube Channel

💎 Article:

Conversations with Sasquatch

Sasquatch said:

”Since the time and circumstances allow you to still be available for a little longer, but not much more, we ask you to continue to transmit the message of my Sasquatch People to your Human People, as the next auspicious opportunity to do so might not present itself before a while, in your time scale, and the best time is now, due to the actual urgency of our message to reach the greater Soul of your people.”

”We now have to answer a fundamental question that many of your people must be asking themselves about us. We do acknowledge the existence and understand the presence of a Universal Creator Spirit, whom some of you may call God, as the Unique Source and essence of all energy and consciousness in the Omniverse in all dimensional levels, that are ever diversifying into a greater variety of individual entities and forms of life, during the course of the eternally ongoing process of creation and evolution.”

”This Original Source from whom everything is born, is a creative and cohesive eternal omnipresence, consciously creating and maintaining worlds and entities through omnipotent loving, immanent in all its countless parts and creatures, while transcendent to their sum, beyond the limits of created realms, being the omniscient Universal Consciousness holding all possibilities of dimensions and knowledge.”

”This Supreme Divine Original Being and the Universal Oneness born from it are universal truths and principles that all spiritually evolved souls can sense and understand, at large throughout the whole Omniverse. Beyond a simple concept, it’s a reality that your latest scientific discoveries in the fields of paranormal phenomenon, astrophysics and quantum physics, are starting to grasp, in your evolution towards a greater understanding and...”

*Read more here -

Audio is Copyright © Receiving Love

Author Copyright : This message is shared here with written permission from Kelly Lapseritis of and SunBôw TrueBrother of

Images are sourced from 'Sasquatch People' FaceBook page -

Intro Music is 'Crystal Caves in the Mountain'
*by TeknoAXE: Matthew Huffaker: CC by 4.0

🎆 Listen to the full version here

Outro Music is 'The Bluest Star' by The 126ers: CC0

🌠 Listen to the full version here


~ Thank You! ~

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