in spirotuality •  last year  (edited)


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Spirituality and all three Abrahamic religions, that are diametrically opposite to it, can be simply explained in their true, uncorrupted, focus and function. Here is how.

The Source (Hmnyw/Ogdoad) transforms into Pure Light (AmunRa/El Elyon/Allah), that descends down to earth (EM radiation; Lucifer [white light]/Jehovah [red light] as part of 7 Elohim/Archangels/rainbow & music scale) then Light transforms into life and life transforms into first, natural forces and instincts, then self awarenes (I am that I am), then transforms into awaken higher awareness becoming Conscious of the Source and by raising that Consciousness, aka Christ within, then it transforms (the souls) / ascends back to unity with the Source, completing the cycle. The often omitted eight Hermetic Generative principle states that all originates at and returns to the Source.



Islam is religion focused around worship of Allah, the most high Pure Light emanating in every way. The belieiver (be lie liver) is here while Allah is there, somewhere.


The mainstream Babylonian Judaism, on the other hand, started by Moses / Akhenaten was departure from the original Abrahamic tradition and worship of El Elyon (Most High) / Allah in favour of the most low light on the spectrum red / infrared aka Yahw (Egyptian) / Yahweh (Hebrew) / Jehovah (English) aka I am that I am, Nuk pu Nuk (Egyptian) aka Saturn aka root Lam chakra, which is not far from where the ego of an individual dwells, and general direction to mental Hell below the matterial plane, hence Sheol is Hebrew for Hell while Shul is Yiddish for a synagogue.

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." (Revelation 3:9)


Wheras Christianity, in its original agnostic esoteric meaning, is focused on the vertical dimension between lowest and highest points focusing instead on the process of ascension in transformation of Consciousness into Chist Consciousness of Higher Spiritual astral Self where one is free from the limits and sins of their ego in favour of unity with our eternal Virgin Mother (peace,) Father of the Beginnings (truth) and their love for one another as the Holy Spirit ♡ thus becoming effectively Buddha (awaken) child of Most High God.

"I said, “You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High." (Psalms 82:6)

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