RE: Let's play a simple game - Find the Splinterlands NFT Card ID and win DECs!!

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Let's play a simple game - Find the Splinterlands NFT Card ID and win DECs!!

in splinterlands •  5 years ago  (edited)

My main account has a four word combo

Rut, ruts, sloth and loth

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And this one from my gold account is brilliant. It would make the perfect phone number for a money lender.


although I suppose if you were an usury you wouldn't have a free phone number. 😂

USURY - 800 DEC!

Woo hoo! Thanks a bunch! 😍

Whats the link?

Oops! Sorry. I've edited it in now. 😁

SLOTH - another 5-letter! 800 DEC!

Yay. Thanks! I'm going on the hunt for a 6 letter. Surely I have one . . .