Splinterlands | Playing with CAVE SLUG challenge

in splinterlands •  3 years ago 


Cave Slug is one of the cards the Splinterlands game rented to me by default, so I don't own it. I am not very familiar with the card, so this challenge has been great to discover this fantastic card and establish a strategy. I am going to use it much more often from now on.

Cave Slug card highlights

The Cave Slug card is a Life splinter common card from the Untamed edition. The strongest highlight of this card is the opportunity ability at level 1 already. Thanks to this ability the monster will go after the weakest monsters with less health. And the best thing is that the Opportunity ability may be used from any position!
Definitely, I will use the Opportunity ability more often hereinafter.


The Battle




The rules of this battle were the following:
Silenced Summoners: For this reason I decided to use the Kiara Lightbringer, an epic summoner with no abilities of only 2 mana.
Reverse speed: To be honest I didn't have enough time to think which monsters have the lowest speed. However, I was lucky and most monsters I chose have a low speed.

Battle strategy

I decided to start the battle with the Shieldbearer, a monster with 4 shields and 9 lives. It also has the Taunt ability, which forces other monsters to focus on attacking only this monster, making all other monsters live longer. On the second position, I chose one of my favorite monsters for the second position in high cap mana battles. The Luminous Eagle. Monsters with the Reach ability typically have just 1 melee, so having 2 melee is a wonderful rara avis.

Cave Slug action

The Cave Slug was the first monster to hit as the reverse speed was active and it has only 1 speed, hitting with 2 melee the Shieldbearer opponent (remember the Taunt ability). Once the Shieldbearer was annihilated, Cave Slug continued hitting the monsters with the lowest lives, being an essential monster to win the play.


If you haven't played Splinterlands yet, I really recommend it as my favorite blockchain game. If you like games like Magic, this is your opportunity to shine and climb up in the ranking!

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