It's Time For Classic Splinterlands (Steemmonsters)

in splinterlands •  5 years ago 

What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands (also known as Steemmonsters) is a digital card game created by @aggroed and @yabapmatt. Early game release has launched and prizes are already up for grabs. You can start playing or investing in Splinterlands today by clicking here.

As most already know the Splinterlands game is currently on its third edition of cards called UNTAMED. Some claim these cards are overpowered compared to their Alpha and Beta counter parts.

I personally think its too soon to come to such a conclusion but there's an easy fix if that claim ends up being true. No its not nuke the UNTAMED edition but instead lets introduce the game version, Classic Steemmonsters (Splinterlands).

The classic version will only allow monsters in play that are from the Alpha + Beta versions. No added rewards are needed so this wouldn't cost anything except the time it takes to implement. What I'm suggesting is a redistribution of what is already being given out.

For example take the current allotted tournament prize money and split it 50/50 with half going to tournaments sponsoring the "Classic" version of the game and the other 50% for regular tournaments.

I know there's already some Alpha only tournaments but what I'm suggesting is much more than just adding the odd Alpha/Beta only tournaments. Make it a big announcement, Newly Introduced Splinterland Classic (Steemmonsters).

Give the classic version its own tournament lobby and have it displayed side by side with the one that's currently there or an in game tab in which we can switch back and forth between lobbies. I think doing this will up the interest in the Alpha and Beta edition cards big time.

New Ruleset Idea From @blog-beginner

I would also like to highlight some new ruleset ideas that @blog-beginner suggested just a couple short days ago. I personally like his ideas and thought I would share them within this post. If you like his ideas feel free to head on over and give his original topic an upvote.

Exchange buffs or debuffs:

In this one I propose that the buffs or debuffs which are provided by a summoner should be exchanged. i.e. If I use Natura Lyanna it typically adds a life to each of my summoned monsters. In this ruleset it should add life to the opponent's summoner ers. Also if the opponent choses the Malric Inferno it ideally adds a mele attack to all summoned mele attack monsters. Instead it should do it for the opponents.

Inverse buffs or debuffs:

In this ruleset I propose an inverse buff or debuff. If I chose Malric Inferno and the opponent choses Alric Stormbringer then ideally it adds a mele attack to friendly summoners and adds a magic attack to opponents summoners. Instead it should reduce mele attack of friendly summoners and reduce a magic attack of opponents summoners.

What do you think? Would you like a "Classic" Steemmonsters lobby and games introduced? Do you like the Exchange buffs, Inverse buffs game modes? Do you have a suggestion of your own? Give your opinions below in the comment section.

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Hmmm interesting, I myself am not planning on buying any untamed cards to certain levels, I just open packs whenver I can.

I am sticking to Alpha/Betas with both of my feet.

Also I had a cool idea of a new ability "Blast Heal"
Works like a regular blast, and a regular tank heal.
But it would heal a random teammate, and shatter onto adjecent teammates.

I mainly plan on the same. I may buy up some UNTAMED once/if the price drops closer to their DEC value but until then I'll be sticking to my current collection and buying the odd Beta/Alpha card here and there.

That's an interesting new ability you come up with there.

While I don't expect we'll add a completely separate tournament screen into the game, we do plan to add a lot more tournament customization options so the creator can choose exactly which types of cards to allow. For the Splinterlands sponsored tournaments we will do many different types, including ones that only allow alpha/beta cards and some that only allow untamed cards as well.

Thanks for stopping by and providing some insight on to whats planned next. A separate tournament screen is a little much but a tab attached to the current lobby that list the sponsored "classic" games would work. Similar to the below.

I like how the Untamed cards are complimenting alpha/betas. There are a lot more combos to create and once more Untamed packs gets sold it will only get better. There maybe a lot of benefits of the new Untamed cards, but individually they do not come out better than alpha/beta. They usually need to be combined with other cards in order to see real benefits.

I have a couple of untamed cards but all level 1s and a 2. They work great with my alpha/betas.

I think its too early to tell. They haven't been in play for long and once more level them, get use to playing them we'll truly see if they're OP or not. In either case I would like to see aClassic Splinterlands implemented.


I think a "classic" lobby would be great. That's what a lot of us are used to playing.

I don't really think Untamed is OP or takes anything away from Beta and Alpha. I think what's really going on is people don't know which cards they like the best yet, don't have any of them at the same level as their older cards, and are just a little bit butt-hurt about it when they lose.

Can't blame them... it happens to me, too.

The thing is, Splinterlands needs to and wants to sell Untamed cards. So if they could make it possible for me to play just the old ones and not even need any Untamed cards, I'd stay in my safe space and likely never worry about getting the new cards. Sure, there could be advantages to using the new cards, like earning more DEC or something, but there is a DEC advantage to gold cards, and I don't buy those.

It's good to have these conversations, though. I think there will be a lot more options in the near future. There are simply so many cards now that it's possible to get creative.

Thanks for your feedback @sharkmonsters.

I think the Untamed cards are fitting nicely into game play so far. I only have a Gold level collection though so I don't know how things are shaking out when they get the max level stats / abilities.

It also takes nearly 2x the amount of cards to get Common / Rare / Epic Untamed cards leveled up to Gold league compared to the Beta / Reward / Orb cards which probably has a lot to do with price differences.

I agree but I it seems I haven't come up against allot of them or at least I haven't noticed that I did. I managed to climb to the same heights I usually do within league play. Untamed is still new but so far it does seem like they fit nicely into play.

I think the price difference is due to UNTAMED being new. The prices may very well hold and/or grow but I suspect we at least see a drop in prices for UNTAMED in the short term. Long term is anyone's guess.

Actually don't like the exchange or inverse buffs at all, it kinda makes your strategy a random one. I do like the new strategies that untamed brought, but yes, I think some cards are a bit overpowered. Kronos with last stand can get to 8 magic attack and 18 hp, I think; pretty insane!

Thanks for your input. I haven't played with the UNTAMED version yet. I think we see more using UNTAMED as they figure out how best to use the new abilities.

What do you think of the idea Classic Splinterlands? I would like to see it implemented regardless of if UNTAMED is overpowered or not.

Classic splinterlands sounds a pretty cool idea, actually!

"Classic" splinterlands already exists. It's called "Alpha tournaments."

That aside, one of the complications is how to handle promos and reward cards. Many of them have been around for quite awhile and are integral to the alpha/beta experience. But it would be hard to determine how to allow old promos and reward cards and disallow newer ones.

Rewards were introduced during BETA not with Beta, I wouldn't consider them apart of classic play. Aplha/Beta cards only for classic play is my suggestion. I wouldn't be against including the first kickstarters Promo cards but for simplicity they can be excluded as well.

"Classic" splinterlands already exists. It's called "Alpha tournaments."

I touched on that in my post...

I know there's already some Alpha only tournaments but what I'm suggesting is much more than just adding the odd Alpha/Beta only tournaments. Make it a big announcement, Newly Introduced Splinterland Classic (Steemmonsters).
Give the classic version its own tournament lobby and have it displayed side by side with the one that's currently there or an in game tab in which we can switch back and forth between lobbies. I think doing this will up the interest in the Alpha and Beta edition cards big time.

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