Splinterlands service Splinterfilter.com logo creation inspiration!

in splinterlands •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hi! I want to show you one of mine creation – compiled logo & also to promote two interesting aspects related Splinterlands (collectible card game):

The other thing is

  • "Splinterlands Art Contest! // Week 75" – this is: "an open-ended Art contest for Splinterlands inspired creations. You can create art based on the cards or you can create something entirely new! Contest consist 15 Booster Packs prize pool.

So here it is as final version of logo:

(first of all I demonstrate the final version, so that it goes to the image preview of this post)

And, since the competition requires the conditions to describe and to show some steps of the process, here we go:

  • First of all at I found that in the upper left corner of the site there is the Splinterlands brand logo, but the link below it leads to main splinterfilter.com page:

    I thought it isn’t correct to leave it in such way, and I began to think how to improve it: if the link must be still to the main page, so еhe logo should be this project individually.

  • So, lets take the original one:

  • What if to do the Splinterfilter sign directly like the Splinterlands sign style?
    So I copied the part of the word behind and went to morph the "-lands" part:

  • The next etap:

  • And when I was thouht "finally!":

    I remembered one thing about the copyright ( you may find, for example at this post): "You brand your game "Splinterlands+"" unless you actually lisence it with us for 10% of revenue."

  • OK, so what about to combine in logo "Splinterlands" and "Splinterfilter"?

  • One more step to slightly correct the boarders & add the divider – so that visually in such a small space the two words would seem more separated:

  • Oh, what about the divider will be a "filter with a drop down menu list"? So this is the final version of this splinterfilter.com logo:

Thanks for attention!

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Good job on the logo and good luck in the art contest.

SplinterFilter looks like a cool site, thanks for sharing the link.


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Hi @shenan I'm the creator of Splinter Filter and would like to say a big thank you for creating our new logo and favicon, you can now see them live on our site! splinterfilter.com (clear your cache if you don't see the changes)

I also have some other propositions:

  1. maybe on the main page there is a good way also to arrange the more big image logo in front of
    (but it's IMHO, I wanna you to ask some more users for their opinions, will it suits there);

  2. I want to see the filters of "Edition" and "Rarity", so the user may think how to upgrade anything he wants, but, for example, not including Legendary Card, or vice versa;

  3. I think it's good to place at the bottom also the welcome-to-the-game-your-affiliate-link - who knows, from where the user may come to the Splinterfilter in the perspective ;)


@shenan Thank you for the further considerations to the design and functionality of the filter. Please be advised that we have already been working on the "edition" and "rarity" filters, they should actually be active now with a clear of the cache.

In our next update post (tomorrow) we will ask our audience the question about the logo placement, I personally like the idea although it's nice to get the communities thoughts.

(please note: there may be a few errors on the edition and rarity filters as we've not fully tested every card yet).

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I decided to do more accurate favicon,
please, look at this new one:

Hi there @shenan, is there any chance you could create the favicon in the image dimensions 256px by 256px with a transparent bg?

We are looking to use the favicon as icon for android and apple and the image must be a minimum of 256px square for it to work without becoming distorted on some devices.


Ehm, what the original image do you have?

'cos I just made from the @splinterlands avatar
for your 256px by 256px
only this one:

Thanks, this works better for the favicon as it's clearly a different coloured background so noticing which tab is which in the browser should be much easier now. Thanks for your help with everything, much appreciated.



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