What a weak, disgusting, foolish move Land Rover has made.
These sponsors wouldn’t know the first thing about honest, true convictions, yet, have the audacity to parade their sort of morality. A morality that disallows one to share their moralistic views. A morality that’s conned through political correctness to bow to their whims. A morality so far from the meaning and values of morality that it stands on its podium only to reveal its wayward, weak, despicable values.
Rather than stand by a man of deep conviction and hooray him on his determination to remain true to his values and beliefs, they’re frolicking with those who’ve sold their souls to media pressures, sporting manipulators and big bucks, while deep in their heart and mind they probably admire #IsraelFolau.
Shame on you #LandRover! Let’s watch and see how many Australians will boycott you, now. Bad move! Very, very bad marketing move.