Wilt Chamberlain was from a different world.

in sport •  last year 


There is a conspiracy theory that Wilt Chamberlain did not score 100 points in a game because we have no film of it.

The NBA was only 16 years old in 1962, and the game was played at a 5,000 seat stadium in Hershey, PA, because that's where the Philadelphia Warriors held their training camp (and if I understand correctly, the game wasn't even sold out).

The skeptics can't seem to wrap their heads around the idea of a world where every event wasn't recorded in film or video.

Some insist that if such a historic event was occurring, surely someone would have recorded it. But nobody knew ahead of time that it would be a historic event, so there's no reason anyone would have been prepared to record it.

It's less the doubt of a 100 point game that amazes me, and more that inability to understand that 64 years ago the world really was different.

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