Paul Lambert, Stoke city manager, has left the club

in sport •  6 years ago 

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Paul Lambert has left Stoke City.

Stoke finished 10 years in the Premier League with a 2-1 triumph at Swansea on Sunday, yet Lambert oversaw just two wins from his 15 games.

"While he was not able guide us, it unquestionably wasn't because of an absence of exertion, demonstrable skill" a Stoke proclamation said.

The Potters added that they intend to name another supervisor "at the earliest opportunity".

A week ago, the club's owners said they would keep on giving managers time "to substantiate themselves".

Be that as it may, the flight of the ex-Aston Villa and Norwich supervisor leaves Stoke searching for a third director in a year.

"The club might want to express gratitude toward Paul for his work in the course of recent months and wish him well for the future," the club proclamation said.

"Paul might want to thank the board, players and staff for the opportunity and their help. He might likewise want to thank the fans for their unfaltering help. While anticipating his next test, he might want to wish the club each accomplishment next season."

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