Does anyone ride bicycles anymore?

in sports •  8 years ago 

I don't remember the last time I rode a bike. Not since I was in my teens have I rode a bike on a regular basis one summer to get around. Once I turned 16 1/2 and got my drivers license that was the last time i can remember riding my bike. I may have in my 30's, just for fun and relaxation. My butt gets sore! Those seats are too darn small! Anyway, i'm not against riding bikes, but unless you do it competitively or for exercise, it seems like you almost never see anyone on a bike anymore. I don't even own a bike today. Anyone else a big bike rider? I know there are bike trails around somewhere, but i don't know where they are at. Anyway, just a thought i had about something i used to do quite a lot as a kid.

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I feel like most people get this earge to be healthy then rush to the store and spend hundreds on a new bike. They use the bike a few times then park it in their garage forgetting about it's existence. Years later they sell it for twenty bucks on Craigslist or at a yard sale. Whenever someone says they want to start biking and plan to buy a bike. I always suggest yard sales or tag sales depending on what part of the country they are from. I've actually found several nice bikes leaning against dumpsters outside of scrap metal yards. I don't see the point in spending so much on a new one when you can usually find one dirt cheap.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This depends completely on your personality, I mean I just decided to buy a bike one day, over a year ago, instead of using public transport. I have used it everyday since. People just need to learn to stick with things rather than giving up when the going gets tough.

True us humans tend to be emotional beings lol Yet your post does remind me that I haven't ridden in a long time.

You totally should, I am sure you would love it

I ride my bike everyday to get to work. It is without doubt the best way to get about. It is free, it is good for you and gets you out in the fresh air. I wouldn't swap it for the world.

Here in the USA Homeless people depend on Bicycles. You did not KNOW THAT??

I'll like you I haven't ridden a bike in thirty years! I sure did enjoy it back in those good ole days I had s banana seat lol!