Starting the fitness life!!!

in sports •  7 years ago  (edited)
Good to all, this post is dedicated to people who want to start in the fitness world, I begin by telling you that this requires desire, goals, heart but above all discipline as this is essential to achieve what you want, a day of routine lost is one day less progress, one more day of cost in your goal, one day further from the goal. Well knowing this, I will start the topic: Entering this style is not just training, there are many factors that influence as they are rest, excess, habits and nutrition.

I will begin by explaining how this works, on the scale of 100%: Training is 30%, feeding another 35%, rest 20% the remaining 15% equals discipline. Why is training worth less than food? Because food is what gives you the energy to train, to generate muscle mass, to generate change that not only occurs with exercise.

For those who are going to start with this, I will give you a "guide" to guide you in the first steps, this is from my total authority, what I have learned with the passing of time in this style, not all bodies are equal or They work at the same level but with determination and discipline there are no impossible goals.
We begin:

  • Feeding:
    Food is the basis on which we will build, it is difficult to feed correctly, I say this from my own experience, because it is still difficult for me to take this point to 100%, a very good way to start this with regard to food intake. of fruits like the cambur, the melon, the pin or watermelon and the odd citrus fruit such as orange or tangerine. Eat protein and carbohydrates are essential, fiber is also important, in the protein section we can start with beef and fish, in the carbohydrates the pasta is the best source they find and in the fiber eat yucca, if friends, the yucca It is for me the best source of natural fiber.

  • Training:
    As this is a post for beginners I explain that basic exercises like push-ups, pull-up, squats or squats are important since they allow you to control your own weight and that is fundamental for an athlete.

  • Breaks:
    Rest is important because at this time our muscles recover from all the physical exertion they had during training, I want to clarify that it is not the same to rest 8 hours from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am than from 1:00 am to 9:00 am : 00 am, I recommend blindly resting from 9 or 10 at night and sleep only 8 hours a day, staying active is a plus point.

  • Discipline:
    This is the last step but no less important, in fact, for me it is the most important step with respect to follow since without this we can not fulfill any of what we have raised, we can not build or do anything right. "Things are done well or not done" phrase that my grandfather repeated a lot of times and phrase that has helped me, has given me the momentum when I can not / want more.

  • Exercise, feeding and rest routine:
    Take an hour a day to exercise, you can start doing simple pushups 4 sets of 12 repetitions then do squats 5 sets of 20 repetitions, the next day you change the pushups by bars you do 4 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions according to your limit (little to you will surpass them) includes the same squats from the previous exercise session, rest a day in between so that after this day you start with the routine again, all this for 2 or 3 weeks so that your body adapts to the exercise , training the legs is always important, strength in the legs are the basis of every athlete. With regard to food, consume protein (meat, fish, eggs (only the clear)) and fiber (oats, cassava), eat a cambur at breakfast and another after training will do very well and resting away the day of in between, sleep 8 hours if possible from 10pm to 6am sleep less than that and more than that is not recommended at least not by me.

This has been all for today's readers, I hope it has been to your liking, I hope with all my heart that you put effort to this, I am very excited about this project, you know, if you have any doubt, some mishap, whatever you do not hesitate ask myself I will gladly answer you, without more to say that you have a beautiful day and you already know "Things are done well or not done".

Feeding Source

Break Source

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