RE: Professional sports wastful, stupid and a huge distraction

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Professional sports wastful, stupid and a huge distraction

in sports •  7 years ago  (edited)

"it is hard for me to understand how people can be so fanatical about sports"

It is very easy to OVER_stand if you have some basic knowledge of the mechanics of re_ality.

Questions like:

  1. How do both brain hemispheres work (cognitive-emotional manipulation based on the studies/work of Prof. Dr. Hüther from Germany)?

  2. How does "divide et impera" (divide the sheeple and tell them to fight each other; not only in satanic blood-ritual wars but on sports fields!)?

  3. How does "bread and circusses" work when beeing manifested via an alpha-wave-hypnosis-box (aka TV) into the brains of the Matrix-sheeple?

  4. How does (if it is true!) the concept of (sheeple) herds work?

  5. Why are grown man looking like little kids, wearing funny outfits (jerseys, hats etc.), paying a lot of FIAT-FED-money for (season holder) tickets to watch somebody else "play" nonsensical (mostly rigged) NBA/NFL/MLB/UFC games (aka Jesuit Order / Khazarian Mafia Leagues which for the most part aren´t sports anymore but registered as "entertainment" and can officialy/legally be manipulated/rigged...).

Because they are asleep (TV-alpha-brainwave-hypnosis = manipulation of ones subconsciousness etc.)!

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Love, truth & harmony
Chris Pheros, Germany

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People are programed from birth that's for sure.