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First guy ever to do it! Can he beat Holloway?

Ortega did look huge compared to Frankie

Yes,but Holloway is a giant to most of this division as well.He won't have that advantage against Brian.I personally know Brian,I believe his biggest weapon is his inner peace....

True, Holloway is a big 145!
Wow that’s awesome you know t-city! I think he can beat Holloway, but if his inner peace could be his downfall, and we know Holloway brings it with aggression, then max could just as easily get the W! Can’t wait to see it :)

Max tends to put on the 'tough guy' mask all the time and that can be pressuring to prove it.Brian doesn't care about these things,he doesn't really care about the UFC either,fighting is just a tool for him to get the attention for what he does.