Do You Frolf?

in sports •  7 years ago 


It's a great game and a great excuse to walk around the park with friends for a couple of hours.

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Disc golf courses are scattered all around the Pacific northwest. A great way to get out and commune with nature!!

Hey I found this post because someone commented "disc golf"! I created this account to help disc golfers find each other here on Steemit!

I will follow, upvote and resteem!

And btw.... Its not frolf! Lol.

That's awesome! Did you create a bot to do that? What a great Idea to get us connected. I'm kinda partial to frolf btw but I'll let the disc golfers call it whatever they want 😜

I set up a @ginabot notification for the tag "discgolf" and whenever someone mentions "disc golf" :)

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Outlook not so good

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