How long is this going to continue before people get some sense? In a recent swim meet championship that is done between the Ivy League schools, the top two spots were both won by people who were born male.

Some are calling it controversial, others are calling it cheating. I am in the second category. There were two transgender swimmers in the competition and they just happen to win 1st and 2nd place. What an amazing coincidence!
Lia Thomas barely defeated Iszac Henig (also transgender) in the 100 meter freestyle race with a biological female, Nikki Venema, finishing 3rd. In the photo above Nikki is smiling for her 3rd place finish, but I would imagine that she is fuming on the inside. Imagine if you were Nikki: You've trained your entire life and you actually ARE the best swimmer in the Ivy League but your dreams will likely never be realized because some men who transitioned to female are now dominating the sport.
Before Will Thomas transitioned to female and changed his name to Lia, he was ranked number 462 in the nation. After transitioning to female, "she" is ranked number 1.

In another event at this same meet, Lia won an almost never seen 7-second victory in the 500-meter freestyle and also bested the record that was previously held by an actual female Olympian. So here we have transgender females that are breaking Olympic world records at what are normally little-known regional collegiate events.
There are very vocal groups that are calling any criticism of these obvious advantages as being hate speech or transphobia but come on people.... you need to call a spade a spade.
This physical and biological advantage is ruining women's sports which weren't really all that popular to begin with. I recall a line from a Dave Chappelle comedy special where he said "If LeBron James transitions to female, does he stay in the NBA? Or does he go over to the WNBA where he will score 400 points a game?"
This insanity has to end.