I suppose if you made a bunch of money and bowed out while you were on top of the sport and didn't have a chance to ever be defeated you may as well take advantage of your fame while you can and get directly involved in the game and that is exactly what Khabib has done.
In a way it kind of reminds me of rappers starting their own record label after working for someone else for a certain amount of time. It seems like a lot of rappers did this anyway. Moving on: Khabib has acquired Gorilla Fighting Championship but Dana White doesn't really need to start looking for ways to thwart the promotion or be shaking in his 500 million dollar boots just yet.

For one thing, as far as I can tell it is just in Russian and while you can watch it online, I don't think there is even any English commentary. That doesn't mean it can't be entertaining but I do know that there was an event not that long ago that our stream didn't have Joe Rogan and DC's commentary coming through for some reason, and I really missed it. I guess it is just one of those things that you "don't know what you got, till it's gone" type things.

I don't know if Khabib is a good businessman or not, he certainly is a fantastic fighter and is a huge name in the sport so if he plays his cards right there is a real chance that this could become some sort of a MMA powerhouse. They would probably need to start by having some commentary in English though, that would be a good place to begin. It may already exist. I didn't look very hard because like most of the MMA world who doesn't live in Russia, I had never heard of this promotion before. This is fair though because there are a TON of MMA promotions globally and unless someone puts some serious money behind them, there is a really good chance you NEVER WILL hear about them.

One of the first orders of business that Khabib handed down as the new head of the promotion was the elimination of ring girls. He was a little bit cruel when he called them "useless" but from a practical point of view he is not wrong, we do not NEED them but there are just a bunch of people that like them. He stated in a translated interview that if you want to see that sort of things there are plenty of places in Russia that you can see that and more. If you want to see fights, come to Gorilla Fighting Championship.
There is no doubt that his decision is rooted in his cultural and religious background and I like the ring girls and what not but you know what? He owns the joint, he can do whatever he wants with it. I don't think he will ban booze being sold though, that would probably interfere with his wallet too much.