Ronda Rousey thinks she would be booed at UFC events and that is why she doesn't go

in sports •  4 months ago 

I remember back to the days when Rousey was the biggest thing in MMA. In one interview some feminist interviewer attempted to suggest that she was getting so much attention because of her looks and tried to roper Ronda into a conversation about "equal pay." Ronda quickly pointed out to this hapless reporter that she is paid the most because she brings in the most money - it's as simple as that. I'm paraphrasing here but she said something along the lines of "it's not like Dana wanted to do something for the ladies"

Yet Ronda's fall from grace was quick and permanent and to this day she feels as though she would not be welcomed back by the sport or the fans and this is why she has never attended an MMA event of any sort since leaving the UFC following her 48 second loss to Amanda Nunes.


It all began at the exact moment that was captured above. Ronda went from being an absolute dominant force in UFC to being a non issue shortly thereafter. The UFC made a huge push to get her back in the game with their "she's back" promotion where she put on a rather pathetic performance against GOAT Amanda Nunes.


Lot's of people including big names like Joe Rogan have stated that it was Ronda's own arrogance that lead to her downfall and I completely agree with this. She had a 12 fight win streak in MMA and almost all of those victories were by first round arm-bar submission. Then, because she thought she could destroy anyone anywhere anytime in any way, she transitioned to a stand-up boxing style, which she was not prepared for and this was proven when she went up against a world-class kickboxer in Holly Holm - who KO'd her in a glorious fashion.

One would think that Ronda would learn from this and upon her return would return to her normal Judo style that made her the best in the world in the first place, but instead she kept on trying to box against people that are better boxers than she is.

Such was her arrogance and it was her own undoing. Ronda easily could have stuck around and continued to draw big crowds after these 2 losses because she was still one of the biggest draws in the MMA world despite this, but instead, she "threw her toys out of the pram and ran off." When she signed up for WWE I was disappointed and didn't pay it any mind.


Although I didn't watch her bouts she apparently gained weight and lost all of her beauty appeal so WWE turned her "heel" (a bad guy) and this didn't go over well with the fans in that sport either. When she wasn't the biggest star in the game or even the most popular women's wrestler, she started to badmouth the organization publicly too. Eventually the management had enough of her revealing company secrets online and released her from her contract.

Still, Ronda wasn't done yet and has published 2 books, and a great deal of time in those books is spent on bad-mouthing both WWE and UFC as well as making a ton of excuses for her departure. Rather than just own up to the fact that the sport evolved and she didn't (which is what happened,) she instead keeps making lame excuses for how she was cheated out of the championship because of cutting weight and concussions.

Ronda did a lot wrong since departing UFC and now she recently admitted that while she has been invited to many UFC events she has always declined because she feels as though she would be booed by the crowd. I don't think she is wrong about this and it would be deserved if she did experience that. While she tries to play victim it was actually her to went out of her way to talk trash about both UFC and WWE, even though these organizations made her very very wealthy.

I hope she can come to terms with the fact that she was actually the problem here, not the other way around. She will be remembered as one of the greats because I don't think the women's division would have taken off the way that it did without her. It's just a shame that she burned so many bridges after the fact. The industry kind of has the impression of "don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out" and Ronda, despite her "poor me" claims to the contrary, completely deserves this treatment.

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