Sports addiction: when sport becomes dangerous

in sports •  7 years ago 

If sports practice is in principle good for health, being addicted to sport to the point of being unable to do without it can prove to be harmful. This addiction bears a name: bigorexia. Update on addictive behavior recognized by WHO.


To love sports or to be addicted: how to know?

He who suffers (often unconsciously) from bigorexia is not necessarily a high-level athlete. Indeed, addicted to sports can quite be an amateur practitioner who starts "for fun" or to lose weight for example. But what is the difference between sporting pleasure and addiction? The boundary is not always easy to define since sport, once one has spent the first effort, is often slightly addictive.

However, unlike the "classic" sportsman, sports addicts do not spend a day without thinking about their physical activity. Before or after work, sometimes both, during weekdays and weekends, sports addicts can not conceive of spending one or more days without practicing their favorite activity. Running and weight training are generally the sports that count the most addicts.

What dangers for sports addicts?

When practiced regularly, respecting its limits, the sport is excellent for health. It helps eliminate toxins, releases hormones that are conducive to relaxation, retains a form weight and a toned body. Yet, if the addict to the sport benefits largely from all these advantages at the beginning, it is then impossible for him to drop out.

When the sport becomes obsessive, the addict can take risks to surpass themselves, which can lead to injuries, fractures, etc., and ignore the recommendations of doctors. This obsession also tends to disadvantage social life, sometimes professional life and in some cases family life. The addict to the sport lives only for his passion and seems disconnected from the reality of everyday life.

How can we become addicted to sport?

While the idea of ​​running for 10 minutes frightens some people, it is sometimes heard that the marathon runners enjoy themselves during the race. How can one take pleasure in running more than 42 kilometers some say? This is simply explained by the fact that sport entails a real pleasure of effort. This comes in particular from the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that causes a feeling of well-being throughout the body.

In addition, sport increases sweating, so it encourages the consumption of water and thus eliminates many toxins. The body seems cleaned and toned, a feeling of general well-being invades the athlete after the effort. These pleasant effects give the athlete the desire to start again and sometimes create an addiction that requires to go ever farther, ever faster, and this, whatever the physical or meteorological conditions.

Sport addiction: the limits to be imposed

Those who become aware of their addiction must take a few precautions to prevent the practice of sport from encroaching on their professional and / or private life. The athlete may be alerted by certain unimportant events: for example, if he passes the sport before an important appointment at work or if he prefers to go out on his own every weekend instead of spending time with his Partner and / or children.

As long as passion does not turn into obsession, the sportsman has no reason to worry about his condition. For example, he must be able to stop for several days without feeling physical lack and to refuse a sporting outing if he is sick or injured.

Taking advantage of the benefits of sport without falling into excess

Sport is an ideal activity that often helps to avoid insomnia, gain confidence, get to know its own limits and even expand its social circle. If we add the other benefits mentioned above (feelings of well-being, elimination of toxins, etc.) we realize that sport is a great asset in everyday life. It is therefore important to practice it serenely without being afraid of falling into excess. Setting a maximum number of sessions per week (3 to 5) and refusing intensive training when you are only an amateur are all precautions that can help the addict to the sport not to let go 'addiction.

High-level athletes must be able to prepare peacefully at the end of their careers. Making a part of one's life to sport often makes one addicted and it is therefore necessary to prepare oneself physically and mentally for a progressive "stall".

In the event of severe addiction to the sport and consequences such as recurring injuries, fractures, eating disorders and changes in social relationships, it is advisable to consult a doctor or to be followed by a psychologist.

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I think the most important thing to remember here is, that addiction is just the symptom of an underlying psychological problem - you can become addicted to anything. Including sports, shopping, gambeling, sex, video games, cocaine etc...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

great interpretation @alexanarcho

Thank you for sharing

hope you enjoyed it

Yes I did

Glad you enjoyed @xpilar

An addiction to sport develops when individuals continue their practice, knowing that they are injured or that participating in that sport will be detrimental to their health. Nice article, love this topic!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

thank you glad you liked it @elijahhelfman